Singing His Song (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute Friday

Hey all! It’s Five Minute Friday… Time to link-up with Lisa-Jo Baker, see what prompt she has for us, and write, unhindered for 5 whole minutes.


Today’s Prompt: SONG

And go! [Read more…]

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Finding Comfort (Five Minute Friday)

Hey folks.

It’s Friday.
Five Minute Friday
Which means we link up with Lisa Jo and write. For five minutes flat.

Today’s prompt: Comfort

And Go! [Read more…]

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If we are Called… Be Brave (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute Friday
Greetings all!

It’s that time again– yeppers, it’s Five Minute Friday time. At the end of each “work week,” I link-up with Lisa-Jo Baker for this writing exercise of glory. She gives us a prompt. We write for five minutes. Without over thinking. Simply free and uninhibited.

I never know what is going to happen. (But these precious words from God rarely disappoint!)

So let’s get started and see what Jesus has to say via my fingertips today…


Andddd GO!  [Read more…]

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Yep. They are your friends. (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute Friday
Greetings, folks!

It’s Friday, which ’round these parts can only mean one thing– time for a lil speed writing, heart-sharing Five Minute Friday.

For anyone who might be new, here’s the deal: Each Friday I link up with our favorite gypsy mama, Lisa-Jo Baker. She gives us a prompt, then we write. No over-thinking. We just write.

It’s pretty cool to see what Jesus comes up with sometimes when that timer goes off…  So let’s see what He has in store for us today.

Today’s Prompt: FRIEND

Ready? GO! [Read more…]

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Jump to Jesus (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute Friday
Hello friends! Five minute Friday is back here at 7 Days Time.

As a recap: Each Friday (or whatever Fridays that I briefly have a free hand from baby girl) I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker. She gives us a prompt. We write. No planning, no overthinking, no excessive editing. Then link-up and share our posts with the online community. Good times.

That’s all there is to it. Simple. Yet potentially profound and a great writing exercise.

So before little girl says TIME’S UP before my stopwatch does, let’s get this party started.

Today’s Prompt: JUMP

AND GO! [Read more…]

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Ordinary? Yeah, not so much… (Five Minute Friday)

Hello, hello, dearest readers. It’s once again Friday (I see a pattern developing here or something 😉 ) so it is time for Five Minute Friday… Each week, I pop over to Lisa-Jo’s place, link up with her and then we write (for 5 minutes) based on the prompt that she gives us.

It’s pretty easy. And fun. And a great way to get adrenaline pumping (and braincells firing) early in the morning.

Today’s prompt: Ordinary



I am not ordinary.

Now, I don’t say that because I’m “special…” I’m really not. I’m just not ordinary. Not normal. Not typical.

And it’s a fun/challenging/neverboring way to live life. (Whoever created the idea of “ordinary” anyways? Seriously. Ordinary is so overrated.)

We all have our lil things that make us less than ordinary. For me? Let’s see… I am not ordinary because…

I am a certified auctioneer. (And have the diploma from Missouri Auction School to prove it.)

I created my Senior prom outfit out of duct tape. (That crap is sweaty, FYI– but economical. Only $32 to go to prom. Yes, please!)

I went to Citizen’s Police Academy during my 5th Senior year at K-State– just because I could.

I am a wife who is ok  with picking up and moving every few years to follow my beloved husband. (Thanks, army.)

But most of all– I’m not ordinary because I’m a follower of Jesus in a world that says “Me, me, me, it’s all about me!!”

And let’s be honest– Jesus Himself was far from ordinary. People scoffed at Him, hated Him, accused Him of being self-righteous, worshipped Him, slandered Him, loved Him… and yes, they even crucified Him.

Do you fit any of those not-so-ordinary descriptors? If so… Embrace it… Because Jesus calls us all to be extraordinary for Him. He digs it. Seriously. We can be not-so-ordinary for Christ even in our most ordinary daily tasks.

Being a Christian in both word and deed isn’t easy… But I tell you what friend– it sure it worth it.

So next time someone says to “Ug, why can’t you just be NORMAL?!?” Remember: It’s overrated. Ordinary living? Yeah, not so much. Jesus living is much more fulfilling.



In what ways are you not-so-much ordinary? Do you embrace it or struggle with it? How has God called you to live for Him? I would love to hear from you! Leave your thoughts below in our faithful comment section.

Blessings of the not-so-ordinary kind,

“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering.” ~Romans 12:1 MSG

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My Mama Did A Lot (Five Minute Friday)

Greetings, sweet readers!

Tis Friday. Five Minute Friday specifically. This is the time that we hook up with Lisa-Jo Baker and write. For five minutes. Just letting the words flow and our hearts go. (Yes, I sorta meant for that to rhyme. It might be one of those days…)

Five Minute Friday

As usual, Lisa has given us a prompt… and today’s is a smidge different– it’s not just a single word, but a phase. A whole bucketful of memories and lessons.

And now, I have a whole five minutes to capture everything my heart would like to say from the last 27 years. (This oughta be good. Oh boy.)

Today’s prompt: “What Mama Did” 

AND GO!  [Read more…]

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More Than a Valentine (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute FridayGreetings all!

It’s that time again– yeppers, it’s Five Minute Friday time. At the end of each “work week,” I link-up with Lisa-Jo Baker for this writing exercise of glory. She gives us a prompt. We write for five minutes. Without over thinking. Simply free and uninhibited.

I never know what is going to happen. (But these precious words from God rarely disappoint!)

So let’s get started and see what Jesus has to say via my fingertips today…

PROMPT: Beloved

Andddd GO!  [Read more…]

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Afraid, Aschmaid… BRING IT.

Five Minute Friday

Friday is upon us once again, my beloved followers.

And that can mean only one thing.

Yes, it’s the weekend. (Well, almost.) But even more so, it means that it’s time for Five Minute Friday.

In short: Fridays we link up with our favorite Gypsy Mama Lisa-Jo. She gives us a prompt. We write. For five minutes.

No excessive strategerizing. No planning. Just rolling with it and seeing what Jesus has to say.

So… Let’s see what He has to say to us here at 7 Days Time today.

Prompt: AFRAID

Annnnddd GO! [Read more…]

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Reset button~ Annnddd…. Again! (Five Minute Friday)

Welcome to the latest installment of Five Minute Friday.
Five Minute Friday
It’s a good time. Won’t you join us?

Each week (on Friday,) we hook up with Lisa-Jo Baker… She gives us a prompt, then we write. For five minutes flat.

No overthinking. No excessive editing. Just going with the flow.

It’s a great workout– and you don’t even have to leave your comfy chair.

Today’s Prompt: AGAIN

AND GO! [Read more…]

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