Our Spiritual 2 X 4 #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


It seems as if our life is just one big puzzle. We are constantly on a mission to find out “What’s next?” and how we can get there.

If you are a Jesus-follower like me, we are so blessed to have an advantage. Although if you are also like me in the realm of sometimes-a-not-so-incredible-listener, we also need, um, a little wake-up call to action every now and then.

I like to call it our spiritual 2 X 4 to the face. Fortunately, it is slightly less violent than it sounds.  Check out today’s Video Blog for even more “enlightenment.” [Read more…]

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Unhurried Hallelujahs

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


We all know that making the conscious heart decision to follow Jesus is a life-changer.

Correction: It is an eternity-changer.

Lately, the Lord has taken this whole “Follow Me” thing to a new level in my heart through the duration (and subsequent conclusion) of this Lenten season.

Yes, when that tomb was empty on that glorious Sunday morning, it changed my eternity. But the revelations He revealed to me the last couple of months has changed my right-now life. [Read more…]

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Auction Adventures: Touch of the Master’s Hand #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Masters handEver have one of those every day moments when Jesus just swoops in and takes you totally by surprise?

Yep, happens to me. All the time.

A couple of months ago, I was on my way to a personal training session. My phone rang with an unknown number.

Long story short, a local social club had gotten wind that I was a certified auctioneer. And they wanted me to share my ability with them at their annual fundraiser.

I hung up the phone, flattered, excited and surprised. See, it’s not like I share this auctioneering thing with every Joe Schmoe on the street. Yes, my 5th year at college as a super senior, I spent my spring break in a hotel in Kansas City getting my certification. And yes, I briefly mentioned this unique ability in a recent keynote message for my local Protestant Women of the Chapel just to be funny.

But seriously, Lord? The timing just seemed to work out perfect. Just that week I was all bummed out that I wouldn’t be able to attend the PWOC retreat since I have a toddler and hubs was away at Ranger School. No one to watch my kid for two nights and three days.

Apparently Jesus had another idea.

Later that day, I went home and dug out my auctioneering material to start polishing up my chant and refreshing my memory.

To my knowledge, Missouri Auction School is a secular organization. But as I was flipping through my guidebook, I ran across this poem called “A Touch of the Master’s Hand” by Myra Welch. I had never read it before and it knocked my Jesus socks right off…

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My Eulogy– In Advance #EverydayJesus LinkUp

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Kick the bucket. Pushing up daisies. Worm food. Gone to the other side. Passed on. In a better place.

= Dead.

There is something of a stigma surrounding death. Which I get. Sort of. (Don’t freak out. This post isn’t going to be exceptionally morbid. Just hang with me.)

Thanks to Adam and Eve’s forbidden fruit fiasco in the garden, ALL of us will eventually die. Our world is all about living life to the fullest, counting our days, treasuring our moments. And rightly so. Because our time on earth is fleeting. As it says in James, we are just a vapor and our life is but a mist. [Read more…]

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The Palm of His Hand #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


I don’t know about you, but sometimes in this hurried, stressful world, I feel a bit forgotten.

Especially during a storm or trial.

But today’s #EverydayJesus moment shares some really great news… We are NOT forgotten. The Lord ALWAYS remembers us.

We are engraved on the palm of His hands.

If you are reading via email, click here to view the video.  

Friends, that is the truth. The Lord has engraved you the palm of His hands and He will NOT forget you. How does that make you feel? What can we do to affirm that we do in fact belong to Jesus everyday? Chime in and leave a comment.

Next time that you are all alone, I encourage you to grab a pen and take some notes– maybe on the palm of your hand– declaring that you are permanently, eternally, beloved by our Lord.

The palm of His nail-scarred hand is irrefutable truth.

Engraved in Him,

Initials Signature Blog

See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.” ~Isaiah 49:16 NIV

7 Days Time
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When Your Big Rig has a Blow Out #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


I love almost everything about the Pacific Northwest.

I love the food. The culture. The diversity. The people. The massive amounts of things to do, both indoors and out. And yes, I even love tolerate the rain.

The absolute only downfall of living in a suburb of a suburb of a suburb of Seattle is the traffic.

Seriously. I nearly schedule my life around it. You won’t find me going off post anytime between 3:30-6pm on a weekday (especially Fridays) unless something is on fire. I plan my tour-guide tendencies for out-of-town guests around traffic.

Driving on Interstate 5 during rush hour illuminates how solid of a Christian I am. Slow to anger? Kind? Patient?

Yeah. About that. [Read more…]

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My Daily Cross-Examination (Printable and #Everyday Jesus link-up)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


In a past life, I used to get bent out of shape pretty easy. And by past life, I mean like 36 seconds ago.

Yes, I admit it– I am what many would deem “high-strung.” I don’t know if it my achieving nature (sometimes dangerous) or my perfectionist tendencies (always dangerous) but it doesn’t take much to send me reeling.

One minute I can be basking in a metaphorical tub of peace and the next I am gasping for breath as the waters of worry attempt to overtake me.

Fortunately, God has brought me a long way in this journey. And because I love you, I want to share my latest tool that has helped me freak out less and rest more. [Read more…]

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The Horse and the Tadpoles #EverydayJesus Link-Up

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Growing up in the country was straight up awesome. Sure, a few decades later I appreciate that we have 3 (or more?) Target Stores within a 30 minute drive and a gas station is a little over half a mile away instead of 17. But man– my childhood in the country was one adventure after another.

My sister and I thoroughly enjoyed exploring the out-of-doors, specifically playing in our “hideout” and perusing the nearby creek for critters. When we were less than a decade old, we would spend hours with our elbows (and sometimes feet/legs, whole selves) in the shallow creek behind our house. Most evenings we would come home muddy and soaking wet– with our “prize” in an ice cream bucket.  [Read more…]

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Vlog: Be Weak. Be Meek. Then Seek. #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Following Jesus seems to be a tangle of interesting paradoxes.

We have to intentionally work at resting.

Sometimes to move forward, we must wait.

And today, we explore the idea that true strength comes from our deepest weakness. [Read more…]

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Our Spiritual Temper Tantrums #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


My daughter, being the apparent (hereditary) overachiever that she is, hit the Terrible Twos early.

Several months before her second birthday, it was like a switch was flipped and she learned the power of a tantrum.

We went from moderately peaceful breakfasts to complete, total, utter meltdowns because she wanted a different color of cheese. (Like I am supposed to know THAT?)

In all honesty, her tantrums really aren’t terrible… But if you ever stop by during one of these meltdowns, you will probably witness me talking to the ceiling, sighing heavily, rolling my eyes and muttering something like, “Lord in heaven… Are you serious right now?”  [Read more…]

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