Everyday Jesus: Under His Umbrella

Remember my good friend Meghan? Well, she’s back with us again today to share another incredible story of how she encountered Jesus in everyday life. This recount is just as powerful as her last testimony– so I pray that it not only inspires your heart but also motivates you to move in the name of Christ! 

Covered by Christ, 


God has recently impressed on my heart how He is my covering. I’m counted as blessed because I get to take shelter in him. He’s showing me how He longs for me to come under His protection and allow Him to shield me from damaging elements in this world. If I seek shelter in Him, He will guide me to do things that I once feared. Under this protection, He’s also teaching me to step out of my comfort zone. [Read more…]

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Factor of 7: How Sweet It Is

I’ve always heard that the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

Honestly, I think that is only half correct for a couple of reasons. First of all, I am woman and I love food– so someone can sure win my heart via something deep-fried and covered in chocolate. (Although I try to avoid that… most of the time. Something about healthy foods and maintaining a healthy weight. Sigh.)

The second reason that I believe that old saying is only partially correct is due to the fact that while I don’t know how easy it is to reach someone’s heart with food, I do know that if you show them unexpected kindness (especially in the form of a sweet treat) they sure do open up their heart in a hurry. [Read more…]

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Making a Splash

It’s that time of year. Folks everywhere are donning their swimsuits to hit the pool, head to the beach, fire up the sprinkler in the front yard, or for those exceptionally adventurous– spend the day at the water park.

For me, the water rides at theme parks are some of my favorite for two reasons: 1) They usually aren’t too intense and 2) It is sooo refreshing when you have been walking for miles, standing in line and sweating all day.

Even if you have never been on one of those nifty water park rides, you most likely seen them on T.V. They load a ton of people into a boat/raft thing, haul them to the top of the ride then SPLASH!!! Down they go, squealing, squawking and dripping wet. [Read more…]

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A Latte Love (Factor of 7)

Yesterday at 5:45am, my phone alarm went off. But unlike other days as of late, I had NO problem bounding out of bed.

It was time for third month of Factor of 7. I was so excited about it, I woke up three times throughout the night to make sure I hadn’t overslept for our Jesus adventure.

As I write this, I can’t tell if my excited jitters are from the skinny caramel macchiato I had or the remnants of our Starbucks Factor of 7. (Talk about some legit Jesus Caffeine!) [Read more…]

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All We Need is Love… And a Towel

Well, the learnin’ continues in my classes this week… We were charged to respond to the following prompt, regarding our ability to listen, love and represent Christ via servant evangelism… Really got me to thinking and digging deeply into my heart!


In McRaney, page 128 he states “The questions and issues for lost people have changed. I am not sure that we are listening to the questions any longer. Is it possible that in our efforts to communicate we are simply shouting our answers at a higher pitch?” He further states on page 131, “Could it also be true that if we do not love one another, people will struggle to know that we are His disciples? And even worse, whether Jesus is the one real God?” Based on the Servant Evangelism approach, how do you respond to these statements? Do you agree or disagree? [Read more…]

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Gettin’ Dirty

Last week for class (I know, it was a big week of learning!) we were discussing evangelism. In one of our books, “The Art of Personal Evangelism” by William McRaney, he said “dealing with lost people will cause us to get our hands dirty and sweaty just like tending to yard work. Part of evangelism is to clear up the misconceptions and misperceptions people have about the gospel. Dealing with people and evangelism is often messy.” We were charged to react to the statement, and I thought it might be lucrative to close out my “testimony” section of this blog by showing how getting dirty (for others) and allowing Christ to do that with in us could be so incredibly beneficial and rewarding. [Read more…]

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