Suck it Up, Buttercup… Or not

My husband is, well, a man.

And stereotypically speaking, he is a man with minimal amount of emotions.

Especially when it comes to the deep heart stuff.

Honestly, there are a few very good reasons for this:

  1. He is in the infantry—so really, low-scale emotions and level-headedness are hugely helpful in high-pressure situations.
  2. He has the spiritual gift of faith. Which means he doesn’t really struggle with anxiety or worry or fretting over things he can’t control (unlike his darling wife…)
  3. Testosterone. And lots of it.

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Everyday Jesus: Unexpected

Welcome to the beginning of our guest blogging series called “Everyday Jesus.” (Are you excited?? I SURE AM!!) To kick things off, today we feature an inspiring and wise friend of mine, Susan. She has incredible insight when it comes to walking with Christ and always has her eyes open, looking for Jesus in everyday life. I pray that her sweet and genuine words touch your heart and inspire your life– she is quite a gal and I am blessed to introduce you to her today. [Read more…]

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Rocking that Heavenly Bling (FMF)

Hi there friends! Whooeee– I tell ya what… It sure is nice to be back to the world of wireless internet. (It makes blogging a lot more efficient too!)

Now that my Friday technology status has been established, here is what that really means– we are back to playing along with Five Minute Friday with Lisa-Jo.
Five Minute Friday

Each Friday (ok, any Friday that I have legit technology and can blog on the spot) I link up with sweet Lisa-Jo. She gives us a prompt and we write– for five minutes flat. No over thinking. No need for perfection. Just write.

It’s a grand time. And a great exercise to get in shape (that doesn’t require specific workout clothes or sweating.)

Ready to get started? Cool. Let’s get crackalackin.

Today’s Prompt: RACE

Annddd… GO! [Read more…]

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