Hi friends! It’s Five Minute Friday time!
Each Friday, I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker. She gives us a prompt. Then we write. For five minutes.
Easy-peasy, right?
Let’s get to crackin’.
Today’s Prompt: IMAGINE
AND GO! [Read more…]
Serious About Faith. Light-Hearted About Life.
Hi friends! It’s Five Minute Friday time!
Each Friday, I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker. She gives us a prompt. Then we write. For five minutes.
Easy-peasy, right?
Let’s get to crackin’.
Today’s Prompt: IMAGINE
AND GO! [Read more…]
I personally believe that there is no other feeling in the world than accomplishing a huge goal and finishing strong.
Think about it…
When you cross the finish line of a race after weeks (or months!) of training… When you hit SUBMIT on that last paper for a really tough class… When you walk across the stage and receive that diploma that has been years in the making… When after 9 months, that little baby is finally laid in your arms for the first time…
Yep. There’s no other feeling in the world. [Read more…]
“It’s finally Friday… Free again… Finally Friday… Time for a ‘wild’ weekend…”
Oh hey. Didn’t see you there. (Ok, maybe I did, but I really wanted to finish the chorus.)
Today is Friday, in case you didn’t get my singing memo. And Friday in this gal’s blogging world specifically means it’s FIVE MINUTE FRIDAY.
For those of you newcomers, on Fridays I link up with The Gypsy Mama… she gives us a prompt and we write for five minutes flat. No more, no less. Just letting the words flow. No editing, no over-thinking. Challenging, fun and theraputic. My kind of Friday fun.
Ok, enough yammering on my part. Let’s get this Friday party started. Todays prompt is GIFT.
GO! [Read more…]
I am not a crafty person. I don’t mean the kind of sneak-crafty but I rather Pinterest crafty. Unless God Himself comes down from heaven and suddenly blesses me to paint neatly and draw straight lines, you will never see any of my “work” on Pinterest (or any other cute-crafting site for that matter.)
For some of you who know me well, you might dispute the claim above. But let me clarify– while I am not crafty– I am creative. I do believe there is a big difference. In my case, I can use limited resources to reach a goal in a unique way… but that doesn’t involve crafting a super cute wreath that anyone would ever want to hang on their front door. [Read more…]
We are all fighting a battle. Some of us more than one. As an army wife (specifically: Infantryman/current Drill Sergeant’s wife), it sometimes seems like the battles are never-ending. I battle with maintaining patience, changing schedules, miscommunication, all while attempting to continually support my Beloved Husband in his quest to defend this mighty country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. But whether you are an army spouse, doctor’s spouse, farmer’s spouse or any son or daughter of Christ, we are all fighting the same spiritual Enemy. [Read more…]
I am Sharita, a Jesus-loving minister, spiritual leadership coach, speaker and writer. Welcome to 7 Days time, where we are inspired by the Son-rise and live in His light! Read More...
It's been awhile since we have posted a fresh Factor of 7 here at 7 Days Time. We've done a few small ones over the last several months, but we wanted to share one of most recent random acts of kindness with you. Because it was fun. And hey, who … Interested? Read on...
So... let's get serious. (Well, not TOO serious.) Here at 7 Days Time, we have four coaching packages to choose from. As we work through your initial consultation call, together we can determine what package will best suit your coaching needs. … Interested? Read On...
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