The Prayer Closet

If you have ever lived with someone else, you know what it is to share space.

Growing up, perhaps it was a sibling. (Mom! She is on MY SIDE of the car! Her toys are in MY part of the room! She is breathing MY air!) 

During our young-ish adult years, perhaps it was a roommate. And perhaps said roommate was such a space invader that a duct tape line had to be placed on the carpet and any stray items that crossed the line were fair game for the trash can. #AskMeHowIKnow

Then maybe it was marriage. Lord in heaven– why does my beloved ALWAYS lay his wet towel out to dry on my half of the bed?

Now? Kids. Space to myself has reached a new level of precious. No longer is taking a bath solo any time of day an option. It is a strategically calculated action of relaxation. And don’t even get me started on actually going to the bathroom alone.

So yeah. A place for legit space can be a high commodity in this world of all things family– especially as we follow Jesus.  [Read more…]

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Everyday Jesus: Run for God~ Praising Him in the Rain

I am not gonna lie. I absolutely love how God orchestrates and carries out His plan in order to make connections with people. In fact, this is exactly how today’s guest blogger, Charity, and I became such great pals. Charity is a sincere, determined and passionate lover of Christ. We both go to Christ Community Church and *somehow* (ahem, Jesus) kept ending up in the same groups, classes, and events over the last year and a half or so. Now, we are friends “in real life…” and I couldn’t be more excited to share this inspirational story about how Jesus is showing up in Charity’s life daily through her love of fitness, faith and encouraging others. 

So strap on your running shoes and let’s get to stepping!

PS: Please note that I am super, duper, incredibly jealous that I can’t take this class alongside Charity and the others… But something about being ridic preggo/birthing a brand new baby/doctors order to chill out/blahblahblah keeps me from participating at the present moment… SIGH. 😉 


I love Jesus. I love to run. I do not, however, love the rain. But somehow– those three things came together for our first Run for God class at CCC…

Run for God is a 10-12 week training plan aimed at running a 5k while maintaining a Christian focus. The primary goal is to prepare people to be better witnesses for Christ – Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually.

Run for God hands feet

When I first thought about what stories I would share about this class, I wanted to share some of the reasons individuals chose to come to the class… or stories about connections made and friendships started… or individual responses to the run… All those sweet things happened and more. God is already doing an awesome work through this class, but today – we’re praising God in the Rain!

Running in the rain was not anywhere on the top 10 list of things I had planned for the first class…in fact it was probably on the bottom of my list… but God has bigger plans.

Rain – It’s inconvenient. We avoid it. We have umbrellas and rain gear to keep it off of us. We plan gatherings with back up plans to avoid the rain. People in Georgia cannot drive in it. Most people don’t get excited about the rain. Guess what – Rain is out of our control.

But without rain, there is no growth. Rain is one of the primary sources of generating life!  What if the rain was just God cleansing us for this journey.

So call us crazy, but 65 brothers and sisters in Christ decided to run in the rain – all for the glory of God!

Let’s face it. A little rain never hurt anyone. In fact, it’s exhilarating. Remember back to your childhood when you would intentionally jump in mud puddles and play in the rain. It was fun! What are we so afraid of? People thinking we’re crazy? Getting wet? Or “getting sick?”

Life isn’t about waiting for the storms to pass; it’s about learning to dance (or in this case run) in the rain!

Even though everyone was wet, the smiles were abounding by the time our class concluded. Spirits were high! Encouraging words filled the area. As we arrived back from our run, even the other life school classes noticed how excited everyone was from running…in the rain.

It doesn’t matter what life circumstance(s) you are facing today, Praise God in it! Maybe the storm is just God cleansing you for something bigger… better… and FULL of HIM.


charity running

Charity is a child of God. Simple as that. She love’s God and is thankful to have such an awesome church family, and thankful daily for the work God is doing in my life. Everyday. She is married to an incredible man, Adam-  there are so many great things to say about him that she’ll save that for another time, date, and location. But just know he is awesome. Finally, she has two cute, furry, cuddly cavalier King Charles spaniels, Zoe and Charlie. You can connect with Charity via her Running 2 His Arms Blog.

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Friday Focus: Peterson Farm Bros

Today, I am INCREDIBLY blessed and honored to bring you a Friday Focus that is not only fun– but filled with faith.

In 2012, the world has come to know the awesomeness of  Greg, Nathan and Kendal Peterson, more commonly know as the Peterson Farm Bros. These fellows have become a YouTube sensation, creating some pretty sweet parody videos to promote agriculture… And Jesus. [Read more…]

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Treasure in Jars of… Salsa??

Today, I would like to provide you with a practical, real-life lesson and application:

How to Semi-Effectively Clean Up A Smashed Jar of Salsa

1. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and say a silent prayer for the Lord to forgive you of the very loud and prominent obscenity you just yelled as you watched your new quart jar of homemade salsa crash onto the floor.

2. Shuffle the pup out of doors so he is not inclined to “help” with clean up.

3. Put on shoes as to avoid glass shards in the feet.

4. Clean up the glassy salsa with whatever tools you have available (might I recommend: An old dust pan and empty Diet Dr. Pepper box) [Read more…]

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Think “Fast” (7 Experiment, Week 1)

It has been one week of eating only eggs, chicken, bread, apples, sweet potatoes, avocado, and spinach. That’s right folks. I’m eating only 7 foods for thirty days.

If you missed last week’s entry about this fast, let me catch you up. (Or you can click here to read the entire post.) My beloved hubby and I are fasting for 30 days by only eating 7 different foods. Only water to drink. No seasonings other than salt, pepper, olive oil (sparingly) and cooking spray.  This concept is inspired by Jen Hatmaker’s book “7: The Experimental Mutiny Against Excess.” In short, it has two main purposes: to seek after God at a deeper level and to restore a heart of gratitude for all the incredible choices we have in this world. [Read more…]

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Comfort from Community (Five Minute Friday)

Good morning, America! (Or should I say “world?” Fun fact: 7 Days Time ministry has grown and we actually have legit and semi-regular readers in other countries. Thanks for that one, Jesus!)

Anywho, today is one of my favorite blogging days of the week. That’s right– it’s Five Minute Friday. Top three reasons why its my fav?

  1. Less pressure to get it right (or at least “perfect”)
  2. It is a great conditioning tool and change of pace from normal posts (AKA: I write for 5 minutes flat… and don’t have to come up with a topic of my own)
  3. It’s on Friday. So what’s not to love??

Every week, I link up with The Gypsy Mama… She gives us a prompt, then we go to town with our writing. Today’s prompt: “COMMUNITY.” 

Annndddd GO! [Read more…]

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Creatively Crafty

I am not a crafty person. I don’t mean the kind of sneak-crafty but I rather Pinterest crafty. Unless God Himself comes down from heaven and suddenly blesses me to paint neatly and draw straight lines, you will never see any of my “work” on Pinterest (or any other cute-crafting site for that matter.)

For some of you who know me well, you might dispute the claim above. But let me clarify– while I am not crafty– I am creative. I do believe there is a big difference. In my case, I can use limited resources to reach a goal in a unique way… but that doesn’t involve crafting a super cute wreath that anyone would ever want to hang on their front door. [Read more…]

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An Adoptive Heart: Kathleen & Chris

And last but certainly not least… This is our Christmas letter to my dear sister Kathleen and her husband Chris.


Dear Kathleen & Chris—

Merry Christmas! This year’s gift to you is a little different than normal. We wanted to go a different direction since God has really been doing a work on our hearts over the last several months. I know we all enjoy getting “stuff,” but we have chosen to give something that won’t collect dust or break. [Read more…]

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