No Fear Here

Fear is… well, scary. (Duh, right?) There are a lot of different types of fears, big, little, valid, irrational, profound, imaginary etc. But being humans, it seems to be a part of our life. But it’s amazing how relief comes to alleviate our fears so awesomely and suddenly– in the most surprising places.

Yesterday was my first time to do staff devotional at our weekly staff meeting. I was excited, and a smidgen apprehensive, almost kind of intimidated. I mean seriously, our equipping staff (aka pastors/minister-ish people) totaled it up a couple weeks ago and determined that they have 99 years of ministry experience between them. Yeah, I’m going on like 4 months. No pressure, right? [Read more…]

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See.. and Be… COURAGEOUS!

I am not now and do not predict that I will ever become a movie critic. But that’s the great part about doing your own blog– you can kind of write about what you want. Definitely exercising that privilege today! 🙂

This last Sunday night, my beloved and I went to see the movie “Courageous.” Here are the reasons that this is “big” news:

1) We almost never go to the movies.

2) When we do go, we usually go in the middle of the afternoon or early evening, not prime time. Apparently, movies are expensive.

3) We actually agreed that we both wanted to see the movie (I was already convinced that I wanted to go, but he agreed after seeing the movie trailer played at church) Oh, and sidenote on this point: We RARELY agree on movies/TVs… So this was a big deal. (Granted, if cinematic adventure selection is the biggest rift in our marriage, I’m ok with that.) [Read more…]

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