Clarity in the Chaos

Today I have a little brain teaser for you… What does this mean to you?


Is it just a random jumble of letters to you? Or were you able to break it down and see something hidden in the chaos? Not sure? Look again… [Read more…]

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Raising the Stakes

At the very beginning of 2012, God chose my “word” for me to live out for the year. That word was “DEPENDENCE.”

It has been now been 80 days. What started as a seemingly simple challenge has blossomed into a literal life-changing experience.

In the past 80 days, God has put the following events into our lives… ALL of which have drastically built my dependence on Him: [Read more…]

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Regain your Breath

Ever had the wind knocked out of you?

I am going to guess that the answer to that one is probably yes. It might have been the physical wind knocked out of your lungs… Like when you, as a 2nd grader, thought that jumping from the low bar to the high bar on the jungle gym at recess was a brilliant idea. Next thing you know, you are flat on your back on the ground, staring at the sky gasping for breath. [Read more…]

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Depend on it

Last week, my supervisor (ok, more my friend than “boss”) called me to a challenge.

I needed to find a “word” for 2012.

Honestly, I have never found a word like that before. Sure I have had themes or big ideas for new season/years/chapters of life, but never really focused on a single thing or experience.

So I began to pray. [Read more…]

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Army of God: “Frago”

“Yeah that sounds great… Do you still want to meet at the mall? <ssrrrrtttpppp> Wait are you there? <psssrrrrrrrrkkkkktttt> Can you hear me? <ttttsssssssffffff> Hello? Hello? HELLO? <beep beep… call dropped.>

Sigh. Just typing that one-sided conversation above raises my blood pressure a bit. But we’ve all be there– we have plans, think we know what is going on, then beep, beep, call dropped. Were our plans staying the same or was our compadre on the other end about to share a new idea with us? OR someone calls very last minute and either cancels or completely changes the game plan. Frustrating, huh? [Read more…]

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