The Best Boss


These three little piggies were “take-home” souvenirs from my first-ever job. Fact #1: Pigs are rarely a profitable undertaking. Fact #2: This is probably the second most unattractive picture ever taken of me. High school was precious.

I jumped head first into the “working world” the summer after turned 16 as a sophomore in High School.

My first ever “real” job was working on a several-thousand head farrow to wean/breeding and gestation swine operation in Minnesota.

It was a trip. (Literally.)

Since that point, I have held several jobs. Some were seasonal, some part-time and some big-kid-post-college-graduation full-time jobs.

With each of those jobs, I had a boss.

Looking back, I would have to say I have had some pretty great supervisors. Folks like Todd, Brenda, Cindy, and Sharon.

But I have also has some not-so-awesome bosses… Who, because I am a Christian and love Jesus, shall remain nameless. (You are welcome, un-named leaders in my life.)  [Read more…]

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Vlog: Finding a Holy Balance

I am so excited for this vlog.

Is it my best, most professional work? Nope. But with my “special” guest, it sure is cute and entertaining. (Hint: My guest is 10 months old and likes to clap a lot. As you will soon notice.)

Over the last several months, I have really been praying about how to “balance” being a mama, wife, minister and all of the other roles God has called me to in life. Here’s a short video to share some of my insights. [Read more…]

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