Celebrating the Holidays During Hard Times

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The holidays are some of the happiest times of the year. Unfortunately, Covid-19 will probably make celebrating a little tricky this year. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a fun, memorable holiday season. Here are a few ideas to celebrate the holidays with joy and cheer despite an ongoing pandemic.

First off, prepare yourself and your kids for a different holiday season this year. Let your family members know what changes to expect, such as cancelled travel plans, less gifts, or smaller holiday parties. Make sure you talk yourself through this too, not just your children or loved ones. It’s one thing to explain something to someone else, it’s another thing to realize it yourself. Allow yourself to mourn the changes that this holiday season will bring. Also allow yourself to feel hopeful about future holidays, when you may be able to celebrate in all the ways you are used to. [Read more…]

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