The Simple Life

When I was in high school, I remember watching  a “reality” show called “The Simple Life.”

Yes. With the Hilton sisters. (You didn’t know this was going to be a confessional type of post today, did you? But don’t judge me. Blame my parents. They were the ones manning the remote) Still, I watched. I am not proud of it. But, much like reality TV today, it was kind of like a car accident… You felt bad for the people involved, but you just…can’t…look…away. [Read more…]

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Show the Love. Share the Wealth.

Money. Cash. Dinero. Wampums. Moolah. Dough. Coinage. Bread. Buck. Gravy. Loot.

Huh. With so many names for it, you would think that we kind of love money or something…

Don’t get me wrong. I love the things money CAN buy, specifically food, clothes, technology, medicine… well you get the point. But as 2012 showed up this week, my husband and I sat down to look at our budget.

Let me rephrase that.

We sat down to CREATE a budget. A real one. With the goal of actually sticking to it. [Read more…]

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