The Food Fight

Have you ever been in a food fight? You know, one of those summer-camp-type-mashed-potato-sloppy-joe-flying-nobody-gets-punished food fights?

If you have, I would love details. (How was clean up? Who got in trouble? What is the correlation between jello consistency and air time?)

I have never been in one of those kinds of food fights. (Perhaps I need to put that on my Bucket List…)

However, I have been engaged in my own kind of food fight for the last two decades.

I talked a lot about my ups, downs and continual breakthroughs over  at Wives of Faith in Fat Free-dom.  I am so grateful for how God is opening my eyes (and heart) to the spiritual holds that food has held over my life.

And friends, the revelations keep on a-coming.  [Read more…]

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Freedom from Pornography: #PureEyesCleanHeart Giveaway

We live in a world of very mixed messages. Sometimes it is hard to keep all of those messages straight. Jesus says one thing. The world says another.

Unfortunately, some of those messages are accompanied by bondage.

Some messages take away our freedom.

Pornography is one. [Read more…]

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