Vlog: So What’s Up with Spiritual Leadership Coaching?

You got questions? He’s got answers.

I’m not kidding. He really does. How do I know? Because I’ve been there. (Shoot, I’m STILL there some days.)

As we celebrate a FRESH LAUNCH of 7 Days Time and do a huge giveaway this week (enter below or click here if you are reading this via email), I wanted to introduce you to one of major purposes for the website/ministry overhaul.

Yep. I am now a Blackaby Ministries International Certified Spiritual Leadership Coach. And I am ready to serve you.

Curious as to what spiritual leadership coaching is and what it can do for you? Check out the following vlog. [Read more…]

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Put me in, Coach!!

I am really uncoordinated.

For any of you who have met me in person, you will probably be willing to verify this statement. For my sweet readers who know me primarily through this computer screen, let me clarify.

We’ve mentioned in previous entries that I am the girl who tends to fall UP the stairs. I drop things on a semi-regular basis. I think I have even tripped over the lines in the sidewalk before. [Read more…]

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Just GO

As I child, I didn’t get out much. (Hey, we lived on a farm. In the country. At least 15-25 miles from a legitimate restaurant. In fact, the first 10 years of my life found us 90 miles from the nearest Wal-Mart. Seriously.) So when we did get the chance to go ANYWHERE as a family, I wanted to know WHERE we were going… Immediately.

“HEY! WHERE ARE WE GOING!?!” (Imagine this forceful statement in your best childlike slightly whiny/curious voice.)

For those of you who haven’t met my beloved Daddy, he is something of a smart aleck. (Good thing that’s not hereditary, right?) Whenever I asked this oh-so-vital question, it was met with one of the following answers: [Read more…]

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