When the Burden Gets Too Heavy (#EverydayJesus Linkup)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


I have always prided myself in being strong.

Not only physically and emotionally, but now as I walk with Jesus, also spiritually. But sometimes the burdens of this life just become too much.

It comes in spurts. Someone gets sick. An unexpected bill shows up. Schedules change. Plans get derailed. More and more yucky stuff of this world shows up in our own lives (and even as prayer requests.)

Sometimes it is enough not to just break our back from trying to carry it all, but also it breaks our heart from our attempts to bear it alone.

That is why God gave us Jesus in our everyday. [Read more…]

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From Seed to Orchard

When I was growing up, I loved field trips.

I mean, what kid doesn’t? It was an excuse to get out of the classroom, explore something new, educational (ish) and exciting (ish.) Plus we got to pack a lunch in a classic paper bag or cool metal (or plastic) lunchbox.

Some of my favorite field trips were trips to local orchards.

It probably stemmed for my love of agriculture… and also my love of food. (Rarely did these trip ever not include free samples of juice, fruit, candy, etc.) Plus, orchards weren’t a super popular deal in Kansas– wheat and beef, yes. Orchards? Not so much. [Read more…]

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