The Enemy Doesn’t take a Holiday

Happy (almost) Thanksgiving, friends! I pray your day is filled with gratitude and Jesus… Today, I wanted to share with you something God revealed to me a few years ago and wanted to re-share it with you today. 


The Enemy doesn’t take a holiday. And that is also true for me. He has been attacking me from all angles lately and today, even on this Holy Day of thanks, he showed up.

So I retreated to my prayer closet and this is what happened: [Read more…]

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When the Going Gets Tough: Part 2 (Link-up & Giveaway)

You might recall that last month, we kicked off a mini-series about what to do when the going gets tough as a milspouse.

We had such a good time with it, that I didn’t want to stop there. So today, I will be sharing another one of my personal “coping” tips when things are harder than normal for our military spouse lives. And of course, we will also take another look at some great ideas shared by our AWN fans!

So here is my monthly tip on how I deal with life when the going gets tough… I get busy– “Sharpening my saw.” 

No, friends, I don’t get all lumberjack and start building a cabin. But I do take leadership guru Stephen Covey’s advice and take a time-out to sharpen my saw.

Here’s the premise: Two woodsmen are out in the woods, you know, doing woodsmen stuff. (I assume this means chopping down things.) Both are under a deadline to meet a quota. One of them stops periodically to check his blade and take a few precious moments to sharpen it. The other one keeps sawing away, as his blade gets duller and duller. Who do you think is going to be more successful (and less exhausted!) at the end of the day. Yep, the one who stopped occasionally to sharpen the saw.

I do the same thing as a military spouse. My motivated to-do-achiever-self-instinct is to keep frantically pushing forward until I feel like the wheels are about to fall off. But I have learned that the smart thing is to take a break every now and then… Do something that fills my souls and recharges my heart.

It could be huge and profound like taking a couple days away by myself. But that only *maybe* happens annually– if I am lucky. I CAN do something ever couple days or so to sharpen my saw: Read a book for fun, drink a hot tea and watch a show on Netflix post-bedtime, Zentangle,  close my computer and take a couple of hours to window shop downtown, get a “fancy” yet simple lunch and dine by myself, grab a quick coffee with a friend or even drink a Coke Zero in the parking lot of Wal-Mart while scrolling Facebook for 15 precious minutes.

But don’t just take my word for it. See what other suggestions our AWN follows had to say about…

When the Going Gets Tough … by clicking HERE.

I don’t know about you, but this is super motivating (and a great reminder for me too!) What do YOU do when the going gets tough?  Jump in and leave a comment below. (And don’t forget to this month’s giveaway!)

Until next time… Keep calm and soldier on, my friends.

Proud to be a soldier for Christ,



“You armed me with strength for battle;
    you humbled my adversaries before me.” ~Psalm 18:39

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The Enemy Doesn’t take a Holiday #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 

Happy (almost) Thanksgiving, friends! I pray your day is filled with gratitude and Jesus… Today, I wanted to share with you something God revealed to me last Thanksgiving. I have literally held onto it for an entire year, for this exact occasion to share with you today. (Because to read through all the way to the bottom… Because there is a pretty cool twist at the end.) 


The Enemy doesn’t take a holiday. And that is also true for me. He has been attacking me from all angles lately and today, even on this Holy Day of thanks, he showed up.

So I retreated to my prayer closet and this is what happened: [Read more…]

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Workplace Warfare

Most of us have been there.

After a weekend of relaxation fun (or, if you are like me and a few other folks I know, a weekend filled with catching up on your to do list outside of the working world,) the alarm sounds at whatever-o’clock in the morning.

It’s Monday. Time to go to work.

Which thought below typically pops into your head first?

A) YESSS!! Another day at an awesome job that I love! (in a non-sarcastic tone)
B) YESSS. Another day at an awesome job that I love.  (in a sarcastic tone)
C) Morning ALREADY? For serious??
D) Must. Wake. Up. Bills. Need. To. Be. Paid. [Read more…]

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Dressed for Battle

I love routine.

ESPECIALLY my morning routine.

Depending on which day of the week it is, as in if I am working from home or will be going into church to work, here’s the general thought on how it goes.

Wake up. Take a deep breath. Release my day to God before my crazy-lady achiever brain takes over thinking of the 40 million things I want to accomplish during the day. (This step took practice. As in, lots of practice.) Say a little prayer for the coming day. Hoist myself out of bed. Unplug/grab my cell phone. Quick stop at the bathroom. (Sorry– is that TMI? We all do it.) Check self in the mirror. Result? Disheveled hair and sleepy eyes. Brush teeth. Turn off the ceiling fan and trot (plod? stumble) downstairs. [Read more…]

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Army Strong… God Strong!

Being an army wife is…                     

I leave that statement blank because my army-wife life/attitude varies daily. Some of the adjectives that can fill in that blank include rewarding, frustrating, educational, encouraging, challenging, exciting etc.  I never regret my decision to walk down the aisle with my beloved Infantryman/Drill Sergeant Brandon, but I must admit that sometimes I question how God decided to call me to this experience. But then I remember 1 Thessalonians 5:24– “The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.” [Read more…]

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