Video Blog: From the Next to the Now #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Yep. It’s true. I am Type-A to a T.

I plan. I dream. I achieve. I like details.

And sometimes, I get a bit ahead of myself.

All too often, I find myself in the next more than the now. [Read more…]

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Peace by Piece

You might have noticed that in this current season,  Wednesdays are my days to work toward some super-awesome God-sized dreams. So here is a blast from the past straight from the archives. Enjoy, dear friends… and thanks for the grace. 


Sometimes you have to be knocked down to get your balance. Or perhaps you need to be broken into pieces before you experience real peace.

I love it when God reveals concepts in a new and fresh way… which is exactly what happened to me last week.

My emotions, fears, hopes, feelings have been all over the board in the last couple of weeks. But during my quiet time last Thursday, God gave me a revelation that literally changed my life.

The amount of peace in your life is directly proportionate to the extent in which you trust God. [Read more…]

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Vlog: Finding a Holy Balance

I am so excited for this vlog.

Is it my best, most professional work? Nope. But with my “special” guest, it sure is cute and entertaining. (Hint: My guest is 10 months old and likes to clap a lot. As you will soon notice.)

Over the last several months, I have really been praying about how to “balance” being a mama, wife, minister and all of the other roles God has called me to in life. Here’s a short video to share some of my insights. [Read more…]

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Redefining Balance

Balance. It can be such a “heavy” word. (Pun intended.)

2013 is looking like it could be a shake-up year– not in a bad way, but with a new (aka our first) baby on the way and 2,800 mile move per duty station change looming quickly there after, things could get interesting.

Perhaps you are facing a similar year. (Or had one of those last year.) We aren’t facing our future with fear– which we are thrilled about– but rather just awareness that this might not be easy. [Read more…]

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How to Deal: “Rug Rippers”

We’ve all been there. We finally feel like we’ve gotten our balance. We are walking on solid ground. Things might not be going absolutely grandiose perfecto, but they are going. We take what we can get and relish the stability. When suddenly…

WHOMP!!!  Someone (or something) rips the rug right out from underneath us.

Yep. We all have ’em in our lives. Those dreaded people/things that knock us completely off-balance and throw things out of whack.

I “fondly” call them the “rug-ripper-outters-from-underneath-us-ow-that-hurts.” That’s kind of a long name to refer back to in a blog post, so for the purposes of this post, I will refer to those people/events/things as “Rug Rippers” aka R-squared for short. [Read more…]

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Peace by Piece

Sometimes you have to be knocked down to get your balance. Or perhaps you need to be broken into pieces before you experience real peace.

I love it when God reveals concepts in a new and fresh way… which is exactly what happened to me last week.

My emotions, fears, hopes, feelings have been all over the board in the last couple of weeks. But during my quiet time last Thursday, God gave me a revelation that literally changed my life.

The amount of peace in your life is directly proportionate to the extent in which you trust God. [Read more…]

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