Anxiety, Hope and (finally) Asking for Help

It was a year ago this week that I finally had the courage to say something.

I will never forget it. My battle with anxiety was at an all-time high. Our then-five-month-old son had just been diagnosed with bronchitis, my infantryman husband had to have surgery on a torn ligament in his wrist and I had just started working on my doctorate two months earlier.

That night, after listening to our little son cough and snot his (eventual) way to sleep, I stood over my husband’s recliner. As he looked up at me, I started to sob. My breathing increased and I started to shake.

I had my first (and thankfully only) true panic attack. [Read more…]

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More Than Eeyore #WilcoWednesday

Welcome to Wilco Wednesday! If you are a new around these parts, “Wilco” is Army-speak for “Will Comply.” Think of it as saying “Roger, God. Got it. Will do.”  So that is what Wednesday here at 7 Days Time is all about– exploring his decrees and seeking guidance for what complying with Him looks like in everyday life. The best part? He loves us for who we are, not what we do.  Remember: He doesn’t want perfection, just obedience.  Joining us today is my dear, wonderful, beautiful and encouraging friend Kristen. Share. Enjoy. Interact. And let’s respond to God’s call with  a hearty “Wilco, Lord!” 

My mother use to lovingly call me Eeyore, as in Winnie the Pooh’s gloomy detachable-tailed donkey friend. A cautious optimist from childhood, I can worry with the best of them over things yet not happened.

Perhaps the most devastating aspect I carried with me to adulthood was not the outwardly visible worrying, but the warped perspective about my importance to God. Not that God didn’t love me, but how much love I felt I deserved in relation to how important I felt others should be loved and cared for by Him because I’ll be honest, I was born to an upper middle class American Christian family. I’m not impoverished, parent-less, abandoned, truly on the battlefields of faith, my life is not daily threatened by the bible sitting on my nightstand. So I struggled with obedience to God’s plan because I failed to see how I really played a part in God’s plan. [Read more…]

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Hidden Ah-Ha’s: No Fear of Bad News

There are few things in this world that make my heart jump into my throat faster than a phone call from my Beloved that starts like this:

“Hey, Sharita. So… I’ve got some news.”

Please excuse me until I stop hyperventilating. (Just kidding.)

But seriously. I can vividly remember early on in our relationship (during a deployment) how those words could bring me to my knees almost immediately. [Read more…]

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We Can… Even though (Anxiety-Free Monday, Wk #11)

Life is hard sometimes. (I think I have mentioned this once or twenty times before.)

Over the last three months or so, we have been on a journey– a journey to calm our anxious hearts and find contentment in Christ.

While the Bible study part of the journey concludes today, our heart journey continues.

Probably for the rest of our lives. And I don’t know about you, but it is a journey that I am STILL so excited to be on!

Many women have been transformed over the last few weeks by the power of Christ through trusting in Him– myself included. And I can’t wait to see where He takes us next. [Read more…]

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A Solid Foundation (Anxiety-Free Monday, Wk #10)

Between 8th and 9th grade, my family built a house.

My Dad worked for a low-key home/building construction crew, and it was always a dream of my parents to not just own a home, but to have a home THEY designed and built.

So we went to work. Talk about a family bonding experience. Holy moly.

We were going through a lot during that time. Not only was I a teenager (super precious years of my life, BTW– yikes) but my lil bro was a couple of years old, my sister was also a teenager, and my grandma was living out her last year with us as cancer slowly took her life.

So we built a house in the midst of all this hoopla. I learned a lot. [Read more…]

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War on Worry (Anxiety-Free Monday, Week #9)

Soooo… What are YOU worried about?

Seriously. What was your first thought? Finances? Family? Job? Relationships? Or *perhaps* you were one of the few folks who’s first thought was “Nothing.” (If that is you, congrats. Feel free to skip today’s post. Just kidding. You are already here. Might as well read on right?)

But if you are like the rest of us in the world, you had some initial heart-thudding answer to the “worry” question. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been a worrier. However… God has called us to fight it.

We are at war… At war with worry. [Read more…]

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Planned with Purpose (Anxiety-Free Monday, Wk #8)

I am not a huge fan of cleaning.

I mean, I try to keep our house in decent-ish order, as in keeping the dishes contained to their sink/cabinet areas and preventing any accidental science experiments from growing in the back of the fridge.

However, as much as I loathe the day-to-day cleaning experiences, I do occasionally get in a mood to sort, organize and purge. In those moments, nothing can stop me from tearing apart the nearest coat closet or office desk drawer.

As an army family, we move a lot– and when we move, that is the ideal time to clean. And purge. [Read more…]

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Enough (Anxiety-Free Monday, Wk #7)

“Is that enough?”

UG! Talk about a loaded question!! It doesn’t matter if we are talking about a delectable piece of dessert, our end-of-month cash flow amount, the groceries in our shopping cart or our worth/value as a person.

More often than not, even if our mouths answer yes, our heads answer no.

It’s a hard (and yucky) truth, but as consumers, Americans and HUMANS we are a greedy, selfish bunch of folks.

Sigh. Why can’t we be satisfied? [Read more…]

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VLOG: A Sweet, Pure Life (Anxiety-Free Monday, Wk #6)

Hi readers… Today we are gonna shake things up a bit… It’s VLOG time (that’s video + blog for those of you that are new to this kind of thing. Check it out…

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Stale Bread or Cinnamon Roles (Anxiety-Free Monday, Wk #5)

Have you thought lately about your roles in life?

I’m not talking about those fresh cinnamon rolls in the oven (although if that is the case, I would appreciate an invite over to your house… or you can mail them to me.) I also don’t mean the little rolls of “fluff” that might accumulate around your waistline after too many of the aforementioned pastry snacks.

Today’s post is all about the roles in life that God has called us to fill. [Read more…]

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