10,000 Reasons to be Grateful

If you have been with me here at 7 Days Time since we started more than five years ago, you will know that I have been working on a “little” project.

It was inspired by Ann Voskamp’s book, “One Thousand Gifts.” The premise was beautiful, yet simple: To train our hearts and minds to look for God’s small gifts in everything we do, everywhere we go.

So, in November 2011, I started my “Gift List.” The more small, everyday gifts I captured, the easier I was able to find the gifts in my life. It was like seeing Jesus in every nook and cranny of my daily life.  [Read more…]

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Vlog: Our Mundane. His Blessings.

Ahhh… The everyday-ish-ness of life.

Some might find it comfortable. Others might find it mundane.

Regardless of where you land on the everyday-ish-ness of life, I can tell you one thing… There are blessings to be counted EVERYWHERE.

Don’t believe me? Well, hear me out on today’s vlog. [Read more…]

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Singing His Song (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute Friday

Hey all! It’s Five Minute Friday… Time to link-up with Lisa-Jo Baker, see what prompt she has for us, and write, unhindered for 5 whole minutes.


Today’s Prompt: SONG

And go! [Read more…]

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Blowing Kisses

I believe that blowing kisses is one of the most adorable and simple (yet under utilized) acts of blessing, romance and love.

Think about it– when was the last time someone blew you a kiss? Was it your beloved spouse as you drove away on a trip? Or your child (or grandchild, niece, nephew, whoever) who did the audible, enthusiastic pucker blown kiss?

I just think the whole thing is kinda sweet.

But regardless of what earthly person is (or isn’t) blowing you sweet kisses… God blows us blessing kisses every single day. [Read more…]

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Operation: Fortitude Fitness (Month #3)

Oh dearest readers… March was certainly “a month” for the Knobloch family. I have always hear that it was supposed to come in like a lion, out like a lamb (or visa versa.)

But for me, it kind of felt like the whole month was one big ol’ roaring lion. Baring it’s teeth. In my grill. Chasing me down the street.

However… It didn’t catch me! The Lamb seemed to save me. (Jesus = Lamb. Get it? Look at me go with my play on words. Whew.)

We are kicking off a new month (and that’s no April fool’s joke) so it is time to start fresh. But in the meantime, here is my accountability update from my “Smart” changes for 2012. (Read the Original Post here.) [Read more…]

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Fresh Cut of Joy

Annnddd… It’s Monday.

Before you pull a Garfield the Cat move by grabbing a big pan of lasagna, pulling the covers back over your head and muttering “I hate Mondays!” hang with me for just a second.

I’m not a big fan of Mondays either. I have grown to tolerate them, but honestly, what choice did I have? (Turns out employers are not super big supporters of employees who desire to boycott Mondays on a weekly basis. Just kidding.) I have learned to embrace Mondays (and every other day for that matter) because I seek to find new, fresh little cuts of joy in everything around me. [Read more…]

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A January Thanksgiving

It came no surprise to me that I needed a drastic perspective shift yesterday. After all, I had written a ra-ra-shish-koom-ba post  and no doubt The Enemy saw it… and wanted to derail it.

But great news. He didn’t win. [Read more…]

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Don’t just say it… LIVE IT!

I am terrible at saying “No.” Anybody out there with me on that one? (If you say “yes” because you can’t say no, then yes, you are in that group…)

Honestly, I have gotten a little bit better at saying no over the years, thanks to the spiritual growth I have experienced. When it comes to big life decisions, I at least usually stop for a breath before I blurt out the word “YES.” And since getting married and becoming an army wife, I think twice about agreeing to excessive commitments that might interfere with the minimal hubby time that could end up on the calendar… [Read more…]

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It is the 8th day of November. You might have noticed the massive amount of folks on Facebook and Twitter taking time each day to remember what they are thankful for… Today, I roll my entire month of “ThankVember” into one post.

Honestly, I try to keep an attitude of gratitude a majority of the time. But we all need a reality check. As motivated and focused as we are, sometimes the crazy drivers, endless TO DO lists, kids/spouse/pets driving you bonkers, sore throats, etc really distract from all of the incredible things we have in our lives for which to be thankful. (I did a modified version of this about amazing gifts in our live a while back… Click Lifted By Being Gifted to check it out.) [Read more…]

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Lifted by being Gifted

So you might have noticed yesterday that we talked a bit about looking for Goodness of God everywhere… Today, I wanted to keep this simple (it is Friday after all, let’s be honest) and share with you a few of the A-MAZ-ING gifts God has given me. They lifted my heart as I typed them– I prayerfully hope that as you read them, you too are lifted by being gifted. [Read more…]

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