Prayer Team

Interested in requesting prayer and curious as to where those prayer requests go when you push submit? Meet our prayer team! 

Knobloch Fam 2

Brandon Knobloch is a man, husband and father for Christ and values his relationship with God more than anything in this world. He has been a United States Army Infantryman for the last 10 years and enjoys the adventure (and challenges) of the lifestyle. For fun, Brandon likes to fish, sleep, work out, play with his daughter, and eat. (Hey. He’s in the army. He usually doesn’t have time for much else.) Oh, and he also loves to make his wife happy. (See the bio below. 🙂 )


New Cropped headshot SharitaSharita Knobloch describes herself as a Jesus-loving, enthusiastically creative minister, writer, and Spiritual Leadership Coach.  She loves encouraging others to find Jesus in the everyday and live in His light through 7 Days Time ministry.  She adores her family, specifically her Beloved husband <see bio above>, their sweet daughter Charis and chinchilla/fruitbat/mountain goat dog Justus. Sharita enjoys new journals with inky pens, and the occasional glass of wine in the bathtub.


Lex headshotLex Knobloch has many roles. She was first a daughter, then a sister, then wife, mom, mother-in-love and most recently a grandma!! (She’s not going to lie…being a grandma ROCKS!!)  But honestly, nothing rocks more than her relationship with Jesus, which started 34 plus years ago. She is a prayer warrior, passionately believing in Philippians 4:6-7 She is so thankful for His promises to give her hope!!


Amy headshot 2Amy Dickson Ward lives in Columbus, GA with her husband of 27 years, Rob. They are expecting their first grand baby. Amy is real about life’s ups and downs, including her battle with breast cancer in 2010 and “rightsizing” adventures with their home.  Amy enjoys blogging at, leading Bible studies, and using her Home Ec and journalism degrees.  She has been published in Espresso and has been a contributing author at Bloom Book Club.


 Susan Headshot.jpgSusan Park is a prayer warrior who has served the business, ministry, and non-profit communities for over 20 years with results-producing coaching and consultation. She is owner of the“INSIGHTS” company and her intuitive approach guides clients in opening the doors to their success.  She is known for her warmth and personal style.  It has been said she’s a great combination of coach, boss and mom, and will give you a hug or kick in the pants as needed.


Sam HeadshotSam Metheny  is a dedicated follower of Christ. She was raised in northern Virginia and attended the University of Louisville to study flute performance. God quickly made some radical changes when he orchestrated her marriage to a military man. Now, sporting the army-wife life, Samantha is finishing up her degree in Religion at Liberty University, chasing after 3 pets, and serving at Christ Community Church before they  move to Fort Bragg, NC later this year.


Ready to put these prayer warriors to work? Click HERE to submit your prayer request!

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