When Little Things Become Big

We’ve all heard it.

There are quotes said, books written, movies scripted around it.

The butterfly effect—that strange yet powerful phenomenon that says the beating wings of a single butterfly can have a drastic impact on weather systems and other events around the world.

 The same concept can be applied to a pebble tossed in the water. Concentric ripples grow outwardly, getting bigger and bigger until their effects fade away into distant waters. [Read more…]

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Building a Christ-like Marriage: The Foundation

Marriage. What a blessed, challenging and complicated aspect of life.

One that I personally believe is well-worth discussing, especially from a Christian perspective.

So that is we are going to do… Today begins a new series called “Building a Christ-Like Marriage.” Each week we will be discussing a different component of marriage and how it make it the holiest it can be. [Read more…]

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Say Yes (#EverydayJesus link up)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


It is only three tiny letters. One syllable. But it has changed my life over and over and over again.

Y-E-S. That short little word, “yes.” Seems pretty insignificant. But my yesterday, today and tomorrow are all changed because of it.

One of my little yet significant yes’s happened when I was twelve-years-old, attending Vacation Bible School in Sapulpa, Oklahoma. One minute I was in the pews singing little kid songs about deep, wide love and the next thing I knew, I was at the front of the church with tears streaming down my face.

That is the day I said yes to Jesus. [Read more…]

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Creating Margin (Video Blog)

It seems like our world today is almost a competition for who is the busiest, most stressed or who has the most on their plate.

Not. Cool.

I am really not sure how we got to this point, but I am relatively certain that being stressed to the max exhausted with not a millimeter of white space in our calendar was not God’s original plan.

But hey. I am not judging. I still fall into that trap on occasion too… So here is a quick video blog on my thoughts about protecting a bit of white space in our lives as we create margin– for God’s glory.

If you are reading this via email, click here to watch the video.

So… what are your thoughts? Do you have white space in your calendar? Are you honoring God’s margin in your life? If yes, how do you protect it and stay faithful to not running yourself ragged? If not, what do you need to change? Join the conversation by leaving a comment.

As I said in the video, I challenge you to take some time this week and really think about the margin– or lack thereof– in your life. Pray about it and see if you are walking right where you need to be.

Now if you will excuse me– I need a bit of margin with my daughter as we play in the floor and watch an old school episode of 7th Heaven.

Obeying His Margins (ok, most of the time),

Initials Signature Blog

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” ~Matthew 11:28 

Linking up today with my sweet friend Beth over at Three-word Wednesday and also with Walking Redeemed. Oh! And be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday!

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The Rolling Stones

Fun Fact: The Rolling Stones recorded 437 songs.

That is a lot of blues-ish rock and roll music minutes.

Pretty cool, huh? Now you have something interesting to share tonight at the supper table. [Read more…]

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Why I Gave Up (Lent Results)

Well friends, here we are.

Another spring, looking back a week ago at Easter. That precious, Holy Day that God saved the world.

But guess what? He keeps on saving us. Even today. Two thousand years later. One way He does this, in addition to the never-expiring offer for salvation through Jesus, is through growing us in our day-to-day lives.

And how fitting? “Grow” is my One Word for 2014.  [Read more…]

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We are PreApproved! (Love Idol Book Giveaway) #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


For as long as I can remember, I have been a people pleaser.

I always wanted to get good grades in school. I was paranoid about forgetting something important for class, so I was that middle schooler who always carried around way too many school books “just in case.”

In high school, I was pretty self-conscious about my physical appearance as I was overweight. I tried to ignore it and instead embellished my personality to win others over.

I just wanted to be liked. [Read more…]

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21 Truths: God is Our Everything (Printable)

Well friends. We have made it.

We have journeyed through nearly three dozen truths about God. Today finds us at the day after Easter, wrapping up with our final, simple yet remarkably important truth our awesome Father:

God is Our Everything. [Read more…]

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21 Truths: God Saves

When my sister and I were growing up, going to the swimming pool was a pretty big deal.

We lived out in the country our entire lives, so it was anywhere from a 10 to 17 mile drive one way to any public pool. Not incredibly far, but far enough when you weren’t old enough to drive.

I remember the first summer we moved to Southeast Kansas. I was about 11.5 ish years old and my sister had just turned 10. Our Grandma Lacey was in town from Missouri, so she agreed (after much begging and cajoling) to take us to the pool for the afternoon. [Read more…]

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21 Truths: God has a Sense of Humor (#EverydayJesus)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


I love to laugh. It doesn’t matter what kind of laugh– a small chuckle, a loud obnoxious snort, or a stomach-shaking-ribs-hurting-can’t-breath-tears-rolling all out hoot. Love me a good laugh.

Which brings me to this idea of how I ended up in ministry. I would be willing to bet that a majority of people wouldn’t think of “ministry” as a humorous experience. Yes, following Jesus is serious business and there are some pretty heavy situations we are often called to deal with…

But in the midst of it all, I don’t believe God is a fuddy-duddy. He isn’t up there sitting on His Heavenly throne waiting to wreak havoc on our lives.

I think Jesus likes to laugh too.  [Read more…]

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