Our Ranking #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Quick! Think fast!

On a scale from one to ten (with one being the lowest, ten being the highest) how do you think God would rank you, right now? (Don’t worry, it’s not a trick question.)

Got the number? Ok, great.

Now: It was a trick question. (Sorry about that little lie… Hold on while I repent real quick.)

Why was it a trick question? Because friend, if you ranked yourself ANYTHING but a TEN, you are wrong.

God sees us all as a perfect TEN!

A good friend of mine asked me this question. I pondered for a bit and chose the number eight. My rationale looked something like this:

“How do I rank with God? Well… I have accepted Him into my heart. And I am in ministry. I spend daily quiet time with Him and am engaged in a couple of Bible studies. But I know I can always do better. So maybe like an eight…” 

But my friend Lauren quickly corrected me. She reminded me that once we say yes to Jesus, we are entitled to all He is entitled to. God views us just as He viewed His Son.

A perfect ten.


This thought has continue to sink into my heart in the weeks since I heard it. First of all, it is a very encouraging truth because as an achiever, I can often find myself trying to “do” stuff to earn God’s approval and favor, even if I KNOW that He loves me in spite of what I do (or don’t do.)

Secondly, I am encouraged because anything I do for God isn’t because I “have to” check it off a list. I “get to” engage with the creator of the universe, as simply an act of love, devotion and worship.

Just last Sunday, our pastor spoke on this very thing. He said that for one week, each time we sit down to “do” something for the Lord to start it off by saying,  “Because I love you Lord.”

Sounds like such an elementary truth. But clearly one I needed to hear FOR REAL this time.

Apparently, God wanted to REALLY drive this point home, because yesterday I was listening to a commentary about  Romans 8:16-17…

The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.” 

I have read/heard this Scripture several times before and thought I “got” it. But then the Holy Spirit revealed a very important aspect of it that I had previously missed.

See that “co” prefix in front of heirs? In the King James Version, it says we are “joint-heirs” with Christ. A joint heir is different from a “normal” heir.

Example: If there is more than one heir to a property, like two kids for one dad’s inheritance, then it is typically split, 50-50.

But that word “joint” changes the game. And indicates how God truly views us.

Joint or “co” means we fully share, 100%, with Christ’s inheritance. So everything HE had/has, we have too.

Peace. Joy. Strength. Discernment. Hope. Abundant life. Secure future.

All. The. Things! We have them!

Does that blow you mind? Because it does for me.

Friend, what is your first gut instinct with your ranking with God? How does the information about being joint-heirs with Christ change the game for you? I would love to hear your thoughts. Chime in and leave a comment below.

Be encouraged. Claim your inheritance. And embrace the TRUTH that you, Beloved… Are a PERFECT TEN.

Ranked with Christ,

Initials Signature Blog

“And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus…” ~Ephesians 2:6 NIV

7 Days Time

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