Ah, friends.
I am super-dee-dang-o-dee-duper excited to write this post today. (Seriously, I am. That’s not computer sarcasm.)
This post has been several weeks in the making, primarily because I have been praying about my One Word for this new year all that time.
And today is the big reveal. After much prayer and research, I excitedly announce my One Word for 2014 is…
Just thinking about this powerful little four-letter-word makes my heart flutter.
As with my words from previous years, I really don’t know what all God has in store for me through this word in 2014. I have a sneaky suspicion that this word means some serious growth in me personally through Christ and also for this ministry. (Exciting!) But only God knows. 🙂
I DO know that He has some pretty big God-sized dreams in store for me in 2014. (Most of which will be revealed over time. One BIG one is coming tomorrow. GULP.) Yes, 2014 shall be a year of growth. I can already feel it.
In order to start understanding my precious word, I have done some research. I looked up several Bible verses and also busted out my Strongest Strong’s concordance. (Warning: I am a nerd when it comes to this kind of stuff. It’s gets me all fired up. I know, I have issues… and I’m ok with it.)
Anywho, I knew the basic definition of my new word, but wanted to see what it meant from a biblical perspective.
Here are a few examples of how “grow” is used in Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek:
*Spring up, increase, multiply, exalt, honor, triumph, to be prosperous, go out, led forth, nourish, flourish, arise, suffer to grow long, send out, sprout, blossom, break out, frolic, leap, to become*
Is that exciting or what? Nearly all of those words make my heart beat in joyful anticipation. (Except for “suffer to grow long…” but hey, when things grow, they must struggle and be pruned, right??)
So yes, I am mucho excited about this new adventure. And I would love to invite you to come on this journey as well.
If you recall a couple of weeks ago, I wrote a wrap up post for my One Word 2013 STAND. In it, I included a challenge/invitation for you to join me in the One Word experience for 2014.
Hopefully you have said YES and God has given you your word. But if not (and you feel so moved at this moment) rest assured that it is not too late.
I encourage you to spend the next couple of days intermittently praying to see if God has a word or a short phrase to live out this coming year. Keep your eyes and ears open for it. He might just plop it on your heart. Or reveal it during quiet time. Or show you in a song or through another person. Or even sprinkled throughout your Bible.
If you decide to take the One Word Challenge, be sure to subscribe in the upper right hand corner of this website so you can get a cool free printable to aid in your exciting journey. (If you are reading this via email, click here.)
Friends, I do hope that you decide to join me on this exciting journey. Also, I covet your prayers– because with grow come challenge and if this word means anything close to what I think it means, it is going to be quite a wild year of God-adventures.
“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.” ~2 Peter 3:18 NIV