Why We Need Sticky Moments

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


The following post will probably involve awkward and TMI (too much information) moments.

So read at your own risk.

To catch  you all up, there are a few things you need to know:

1. This year is the year I learn how to run.

2. Buying workout gear is fun… yet not cheap. (Hello, Goodwill!)

3. Genetics (and Jesus)  made me one of the most “pear-shaped” people on the planet.

With all of those things being said, finding workout pants that fit me properly is quite the endeavor. I used to think that you could wear any old pants and be fine. Then I started long-running and realized that wearing “any old pants” equals painful, running disaster.

See, you have to find pants that fit properly… Ones that don’t rub, chafe, pinch, pull, sag, squeeze or smoosh. When I first started out, I wore an old pair of workout capris on an 8 mile run.  I discovered that shopping was in order thanks to the red, raw, burning line across my back from where the waistband chafed.

Who doesn’t love shopping? Well, me for one. I have to wear capris to run because “normal” athletic shorts ride up like nobody’s business on my pear-accentuated thighs. I also have largish-calves and a disproportionately small waist.

I am not complaining. Really, I’m not. Hubs said the reason he was attracted to me was because of my “child-bearing hips” (he thinks he is a comedian, BTW.) But finding workout pants that fit is an issue.

If they fit in the waist, they are too tight on the thighs and calves. Nobody needs to see that– plus it hurts! If they fit the thighs and calves, the waist is too big. (See, I told you it was a post full of TMI.)

I have started to “modify” my workout pants by taking in the waist a bit, which works… for a while.

But as I break in my new pants or *gasp* become more fit, the waist starts to sag.

So if you ever see me running on Fort Lewis, be prepared for me to do a weird little jump-hop jig step as I hitch up my drawers mid-stride… At least until I am sweaty enough for my pants to stay stuck in place.

It is at that time that I am so thankful for my “sticky” moment. It is kind of gross and sometimes smelly, but the sweaty, sticky moments make me run stronger and keep me focused on the goal at hand, less distracted by my wardrobe issues.

The same thing can be said about our faith.

Sticky MomentsWe need sticky moments in our faith-walk.

Sticky moments help us to stop being distracted by the minor junk around us and focus on the One who gave us Life.

Sticky moments give us perspective.

Sticky moments, while initially annoying or uncomfortable, bring us to a new level of peace.

Sticky moments equip us to find our stride.

And of course, sticky moments always benefit us in the “long run.” #SeeWhatIDidThere #SoPunny

God gives us sticky moments for a reason. It reminds us of how much we need Him and brings fresh gratitude to our hearts.

Sticky moments come in all shapes and sizes. It can be a relationship that is stretched thin, a too-tight financial situation, or a saggy faith-decision.

In all of our sweaty, uncomfortable, sticky moments, we can “stick” to the truth that our God is a “sticky” God. He will never leave us.

We can cling to Him tighter than spandex workout pants on a 13 mile long run.

What sticky moments are you facing right now? How is God “sticking” with you? Chime in and leave a comment. (And please let me know how I can be praying for you!)

Stick with it, friend. God is sticking by you in your sticky, everyday moments.

Stuck on Him,

Initials Signature Blog

 “God will stick with you as long as you stick with him.” ~2 Chronicles 15:2 MSG

7 Days Time
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