My Love Story: We March (Guest Blogging at Suite T)

Holy cheese and crackers, world.  God is working overtime this week– hardcore.  Not only has He equipped me to launch my personal ministry this week, but I was invited to guest post at Suite T Southern Writers Magazine blog…

Can you say EXCITED?!?! AMERICA!

Click HERE to pop over to Suite T and read about my ruck marching feet, marriage and military adventures in Christ! It’s quite a story, if I do say so myself. (But hey… I’m a little biased.)

Oh, and don’t be shy about leaving comments here or there. I l-o-v-e to read your response!

Praising God from Whom all blessings flow,


“God, mark us with grace and blessing! Smile! The whole country will see how you work,  all the godless nations see how you save.” Psalm 67:1-2 (MSG)  

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