More than A Motto

It’s Pop Quiz Wednesday! (Wait, don’t go… this will be easy, I promise.)

Quick… Name the company that goes with the following mottos/slogans:

1. “Just Do It.”

2. “Finger lickin’ Good.”

3. “It’s Everywhere you want to be.”

 4. “Can you hear me now?”

5. “I’m loving it.”

Got your answers?

Nike, KFC, Visa, Verizon, McDonalds. See,  I told you it was easy.

Here’s the thing, world. I really don’t want to write today. My brain, body and spirit are smuh-oked tired right now, so I wanted to think of something that would use minimal brain power. If we are being perfectly honest, I don’t really have the motivation to do much more of anything today– I am ready for a bath, beer and comfy clothes. (For those of you keeping track of my health: Please note that I try to blog the night prior to the morning that I post… So yes, it is after 5pm on Tuesday. Don’t get all stressed out about me drinking a cold brewsky with my Cheerios.)

Anywho, my brain is rather spent, so forming coherent sentences at this point is about as productive as asking me to run a marathon. Exhausting to think about. See, now I am just rambling. Sigh.

Ok, back to my point. Today, I would like to simply share with you MY life motto. While my motto isn’t quite as catchy or as well-known as some of those listed above, it keeps me going everyday. Ready? Here it is:

Whatcha think? I am personally a big fan. (And also pretty biased.) It keeps me going when my brain, body and spirit are simply spent.

Do you have a motto, verse or phrase to live by? I would L-O-V-E to hear it. Please comment and let’s get a stellar conversation going.

“The one who called you is faithful and He will do it.” Powerful stuff, huh? That simple biblical phrase shows my motivation, my heart, my mission… Yes, folks it is much more than a motto.

Answering the Call One Rambling-ish Post at a time,

“He will set things right. That’s when Judah will be secure and Jerusalem live in safety. The motto for the city will be, “God Has Set Things Right for Us.”– Jeremiah 33:16 (MSG) 

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