Making a Splash

It’s that time of year. Folks everywhere are donning their swimsuits to hit the pool, head to the beach, fire up the sprinkler in the front yard, or for those exceptionally adventurous– spend the day at the water park.

For me, the water rides at theme parks are some of my favorite for two reasons: 1) They usually aren’t too intense and 2) It is sooo refreshing when you have been walking for miles, standing in line and sweating all day.

Even if you have never been on one of those nifty water park rides, you most likely seen them on T.V. They load a ton of people into a boat/raft thing, haul them to the top of the ride then SPLASH!!! Down they go, squealing, squawking and dripping wet.

Most of these rides have one of those viewing bridges for onlookers who don’t want actually get on the ride. But if they stand in just the right spot– they get more soaked than the person in the boat. (And some have the gall to look surprised… That always cracks me up.)

As I was daydreaming about some water park splashing fun, I thought about how the same is true for our faith. Those of us in the boat, we are the ones radically following Jesus (yes, even to a water park.) Those unsuspecting peeps on the bridge? They are the people in our lives, perhaps the “lukewarm” Christians or the non believers. As we go on our ride of faith, we create a splash– and those around us might get a little soggy.

But it’s a good thing. After they get “splashed” from the boat (or a soggy enthusiastic hug from a rider) they have experienced the overflow of Jesus’ love. Sure, some of those folks who got splashed might be a little bit surprised or uncomfortable– but soon, if we sprinkle them with love, compassion, mercy and kindness, they will become refreshed… And eventually want to join us in the boat ride too.

Preparing to go on Splash Water Falls at Six Flags. Notice that some of us are less than excited.

Think to yourself for just one moment: Is there anyone around you that could you a little splash? Are they standing on the bridge trying to stay dry? How can you douse them with a little bit of love as they get their feet wet for Jesus? Don’t be shy– leave your response in a comment below!

Making a splash for Christ doesn’t have to just be a summertime thing– we can do it year round. Challenge yourself today to sweetly drip a little bit of that love onto those around you in every area of your life. After all, if you are in the boat– you are bound to make a pretty big splash.

Splishing and Splashing for Christ,

“And may the Master pour on the love so it fills your lives and splashes over on everyone around you, just as it does from us to you.” ~1 Thessalonians 3:12 (MSG)

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