Living Dangerous: A New Definition

In a previous life, I liked to play it safe.

Oh, who am I kidding? I STILL like to play it safe. Except when it comes to living for Christ.

I learned quick, fast, and in a hurry, that when we live a dangerous life for Christ, there is no safer place we could be.

Dangerous life safe

Sometimes it’s hard. Sometimes its scary. But all the time, it’s worth it.

This month, my friend Amy has challenged us to #RiskRejection in big and small ways in our lives. So today, I just want to offer some encouragement to those of you who might be taking some big Jesus risks in 2014.

Take hold of the thought that when we live a dangerous life for Christ, there truly is no safer place we can be. Live it. Own it. Because I would rather #RiskRejection for Jesus than face the consequences of disobeying an awesome and loving God. Wouldn’t you?

If God is calling you to something “risky” this year, cling to His promises that He will never leave us or forsake us. Grab ahold of His hand and jump in with both feet.

I’ve been there. And I’m there right now.

Make it your mantra and remember:

When you live a dangerous life for Christ, there is truly NO PLACE safer that you could be. It’s time to #RiskRejection in the name of Jesus.

Laying it on the line,

Initials Signature Blog

 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” ~Philippians 1:21 NIV

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