Jesus Caffeine

What gets you up out of the bed in the morning?

I am sure many of my more cynical or sarcastic readers would say “My stinkin’ alarm clock” or “That job I committed to working at” or “My extremely motivated 3-year-old child.” Perhaps I should rephrase that…

So… What gets you excited and happily out of bed in the morning?

What are the things that you could stay up late, get up early and spend hours talking about?

If you had all the time and money in the world with no limitations, what would you do?

This, my friends, is what we in the leadership teaching realm refer to as your PASSION.

Passions can come in all shapes and sizes… For me, my passion comes in the form of Jesus. He is like my caffeine. He gets me up in the morning. I often lie awake at night thinking about His wonders. I am ever thankful and crazy in love with Him.

God has done some AMAZING things in my life the last few months. Since my call to ministry last July, the blessings and lessons have simply been overwhelming.

One blessing in particular is this new personal ministry, 7 Days Time. I launched it 11 days ago… and it has exploded in more ways than I can imagine. Already. Wow, right? When I was going through the steps of creating it for God, I was up early (aka like 4am) and awake late. It was all I could think about. I prayed non-stop. This, ladies and gentlemen, is MY Jesus caffeine.

So in honor of the incredible success of 7 Days Time, we are going to celebrate. With caffeine. And Jesus. (How appropriate.)

WE ARE DOING A GIVEAWAY!!! Ready? Here we go…

The prize pack will include: A Starbucks gift card, a sweet journal (that I selfishly am excited to go pick out for our lucky winner) and the book “Guerilla Lovers” by Vince Antonucci. (It is one of my latest and most favoritest reads.)


The contest will close next Tuesday night (That would be February 21 at 11:59pm EST.)

“Well Sharita,” you might be saying. “This all sounds AMAZING. But how do I enter?”

So glad you asked, dear reader.  You can enter in several ways… and for every way you share/participate, your name gets put in the drawing… Again!

1. Comment on this blog sharing your passion… The sky is the limit. Don’t be shy.

2. Comment on this blog letting me know you have liked the 7 Days Time Facebook page. See the “like box” widget on the sidebar. (If you have already liked it, that’s great… just let me know and I will get your name entered again!)

3. Share this post on your Facebook wall letting your friends know and/or inviting them to like the Facebook page. (That would be the third time your name gets entered)

4. Either retweet one of my 7 Days Time tweets  OR if you are a non-twitter-er, send an email to your friends/family sharing the word about this ministry. Then comment on the blog to let me know you did that!

YOU COULD BE ENTERED UP TO 4 different times. Wow. Pretty good odds to score some caffeine, eh?

So excited to see this ministry continue to blossom… not for me, but for God. We are sharing His message. We are sharing His Passion. A Passion that bled and died for us to give us hope and future.

Let’s get passionate about this, readers. Grab your pen, your computer and your coffee cup… Time to the world know about our awesome Jesus Caffeine!!

Jacked up on Jesus,

“Celebrate God. Sing together—everyone! All you honest hearts, raise the roof!” –Psalm 32:11

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