Here’s to Risking Rejection

Ok, peeps. I hope you brought your big girl (or boy) pants. Cuz it’s about to get real all up in here today.

I have dragged my feet writing this post. I have kept a secret locked away deep in my heart, telling only four other living souls. But now, thanks to the continual (loving) prodding from God and my friend Amy’s invitation to link-up and get “risky” in 2014, here goes nothing.

(Wait. I think I need a puke bucket. Nope, false alarm.)

So. Here’s my big secret. My risk. The exciting-terrifying call God has placed on my heart.

I. Am. Writing. A. Book.


Just writing that sentence gives me chills and makes my mouth run dry. This book-writing endeavor excites and scares me to the core.

Honestly, I thought God might call me to write a book someday. Not like today. I have a 10-month-old baby and an army soldier husband that has a bogus schedule. God wants me to do what??

As I have processed this risk, I have found some hard truths. (And these truths don’t just apply to writing a book… they apply to ALL risks we are called to take in the name of Jesus.)

1. If God is calling us to it, He will help us through it. (Stole that from 1 Thessalonians 5:24.) Do WE have the sole ability to accomplish our risks be it writing a book, starting a family or giving to a stranger? Nope. But does God? HECK YES HE DOES! And if your risk is from Him and for Him, He will help you do it.

2. God’s version of success is different from ours. He doesn’t want perfection. He wants obedience. Even if no one else on this planet reads this book besides my immediate family and friends, if I have done it humbly for God out of obedience, then it will be a success. (But I still hope someone else reads it… Will you read my book? Pwease? Don’t make me beg. I will do it.)

3. The rewards outweigh the consequences. Are some people gonna think I am nutso for taking this risk? Absolutely. Do I answer to them? Nope. Am I putting teeny pieces of my heart and soul on paper and giving them to the world to judge? Sorta. (I think I need that bucket back.) But friends, when we #riskrejection for God, His rewards are exponentially greater than anything this world could throw at us. Seriously.

4. God encourages and affirms us in our risk-taking. I have been processing this call for about a month now, battling both my flesh and Satan as they try to talk me out of it. (Satan is a huge sneaky jerkface, just FYI.) But each time I pause, question or procrastinate (man, those shelves I haven’t dusted in 6 months are filthy– I better do that NOW!) God gives me a loving little nudge to get moving. Example: As I was trying to put off writing this post, I was browsing the web and landed on a random blog that had this advertisement in the left sidebar:

Bold Publish Book JPEG

Ok. Heard ya, Jesus. Time to #riskrejection. He won’t leave us on our own to fend for ourselves. He will equip us to follow Him in faith. (See points #1-#4.)

Friends, this is a HUGE step for me… and really, it’s a huge leap for all of the folks linking up with Amy. Because once our risky calls are out there, we are committed. There is no going back, no taking the words away.

Have you been called to take a risk this year? What is it? I would love to hear from you (and welcome any prayers/encouragement in this process.) I would also love to be praying for you as well. Won’t you please leave a comment below or submit a prayer request? (If you are reading via email and want to join the conversation, click here.)

We are in it to win it for Jesus. So let’s pour a glass of wine (I might need several glasses to make it through this book writing experience,) lift our glasses and say cheers.

Here’s to risking rejection.

Bottoms up.

All in,

Initials Signature Blog

“For we live by faith and not by sight.” ~2 Corinthians 5:7 NIV

FYI… I’m also linking up with Holly today!

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