Well friends, here we are.
Another spring, looking back a week ago at Easter. That precious, Holy Day that God saved the world.
But guess what? He keeps on saving us. Even today. Two thousand years later. One way He does this, in addition to the never-expiring offer for salvation through Jesus, is through growing us in our day-to-day lives.
And how fitting? “Grow” is my One Word for 2014.
We are only a third through the year, and I can feel the growth… in fact, I feel like I am growing so much, I should be green and style my hair to look like our scraggly backyard.
During Lent, this season of growth was prominent. And a little painful. And wonderful.
You might remember several weeks back when I told you I was “giving up” for Lent. (Read the full post here.)
I was giving up complaining in my head and my heart.
So, how did it go, you ask? Well… Let’s chalk this one up to a work in progress.
I realized a couple of days in that 1) This was a heart change, not just a mouth change and 2) It was probably going to take more than 7-ish weeks to make that transition.
This Lenten Season was very eye-opening for me… And has given me something to focus on in my year of growing as a Christ follower.
Early on in this process, my husband and I inadvertently joined forces. He was giving up ALL cussing for Lent (He’s an infantryman– no easy task at work) and I joined him. So he also joined me.
When we say “cussing,” we decided to include any words that we don’t want our little almost-14-month-old daughter to repeat, so it included not-so-cussy words like “Crap” and “Frickin” (or freaking, depending on which part of the U.S. you hail from.)
<And don’t worry. She can’t read yet. So I think it is ok for me to include them in this blog post.>
Anywho… It was quite an experience. Here are a few revelations I stumbled upon in this journey.
1. I complain A LOT. Seriously. Some days it probably rivaled the Israelites in the desert complaining. Which really is ridiculous because I AM SO BLESSED.
2. When I get fired up, words like c-r-a-p and f-r-i-c-k-i-n’ slip into my conversation. Our lent challenge to “give up” really made me think about what I was saying and replace it with more appropriate language like poo, feathers, dadgummit, cheese and crackers, stinking, etc.)
3. When it comes to speaking life, especially to my husband, I realized it wasn’t the vocabulary that I was using… but rather the tone. I have a lot of toning up to do in the speaking life department. In fact, the way I talk to those I love probably needs more “toning” than my abs. #SeeWhatIDidThere?
4. This is a process. The idea that “something worth achieving doesn’t come easily or instantly” totally applies here. My hope is to continue this journey for the remainder of 2014 (and beyond) as God continues to shape my heart.
5. Although I had some really, really not-so-awesome moments (like when I contracted the Black-Lung-Plague-of-Doom and ended up on steroids that made me a very mean and crazy person,) this experience wasn’t a fail. I didn’t fail. It was enlightening and growth-focused… And really, I am leaps ahead of where I was about two months ago.
So, that being said… Did you give up or do anything for Lent? I would love to hear all about it. Join the conversation by leaving a comment below.
And friends, please be encouraged. Know that no matter how your growth in Christ is going, how fast or slow, as long as you are growing you are going in the right direction.
So press on… And give up your junky habits in life but don’t give up on growing in Christ.
Continuing to Grow through Him,
“Grow a wise heart—you’ll do yourself a favor; keep a clear head—you’ll find a good life.” ~Proverbs 19:8 MSG