Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day!
Have you ever witnessed a miracle?
Think really, really hard.
Hopefully you said, “Absolutely.”
If not, keep reading. (If so, keep reading anyways.)
Our thought process surrounding “miracle” makes us think that miracles have to be big. You know, like profound-went-down-in-Biblical-history sized miracles.
The dead being raised.
The sick becoming well.
Lame walking. Mute talking. Yeah, BIG miracles.
But believe it or not, we all experience miracles every single day.
We just have to be looking for them. More specifically, looking for Jesus doing His work in our lives. God giving us sweet, unexpected gifts. Little, everyday miracles are everywhere. Everyday.
These everyday miracles can come in so many different forms. They come in God’s timing. In His Beauty. Through acts of love and kindness. And even through the hard stuff of life.
Are you convinced? If not, I would love to share some of my everyday miracles that have made my heart sing with joy lately.
It is an everyday miracle when upon boarding the airplane for a four-hour flight, we notice an electric outlet. And the portable DVD player just happened to be in the carry-on luggage. And the tiny human in tow has a new-found love of DVD-watching.
It is an everyday miracle when we spot two black-tailed deer on a quick run… in a city.
It is an everyday miracle when we have time for the aforementioned run.
An everyday miracle occurs when we are able to grab the last package of ingredients off the shelf for a recipe we need.
An everyday miracle looks like our daughter saying new words everyday like shower, penguin and love you.
An everyday miracle is a friend bringing you supper, a breakfast casserole for the next morning and whole milk when you get home late from a trip and your fridge is bare-bones empty.
It is an everyday miracle when your child wakes up the very second your hand clicks “schedule post” on a finished blog.
An everyday miracle is winning a date night package from an online giveaway– because God knew you desperately needed it.
It is an everyday miracle when you can *almost* do a “real” pull-up.
An everyday miracle sometimes boils down to two words: “Crockpot magic.”
An everyday miracle is someone offering you a word of encouragement, without knowing just how much you needed it.
Our everyday miracle is Jesus in our everyday.
So friends… what do your everyday miracles look like as of late? I would love to rejoice with you– feel free to let the words flow and share your heart in the comment section.
Seeing our everyday miracles takes practice. Let’s train ourselves to look for those miracles every moment of everyday.
Because where there are miracles, there will be Jesus.
Jesus in our Everyday.
Basking in His Miracles,
“We’ll never comprehend all the great things he does; his miracle-surprises can’t be counted.” ~Job 9:11 MSG