The Enemy Doesn’t Wear Combat Boots

Hi friends… For the next several weeks, Wednesdays will be dedicated to re-sharing some of my favorite posts. I am so blessed to be working on some “big rocks” and pretty awesome God-sized dreams, but I need time to make that happen. So after much prayer, here we are. I pray you enjoy these words… And thanks for extending me Christ-like grace. Oh. And everything is still business as usual for our Thursday #EverydayJesus link-up, so don’t miss it!


We are all fighting a battle. Some of us more than one. As an army wife (specifically: Infantryman’s wife), and a mama, AND a minister,  it sometimes seems like the battles are never-ending. I battle with maintaining patience, changing schedules, miscommunication, all while attempting to continually support my Beloved Husband in his quest to defend this mighty country against all enemies, foreign and domestic, keep my daughter from licking an electrical outlet and still do Jesus-y things for God. It’s a lot sometimes. But whether you are an army spouse, doctor’s spouse, farmer’s spouse or any son or daughter of Christ,  we are all fighting the same spiritual Enemy.

The Enemy (Satan) is a big dumb jerkface. But man, he is unfortunately good at his job to wreak havoc in our lives. He is always in our grill, waiting for those blessed challenges that God presents in our lives so that he can sneak attack us with those whispers: “You aren’t good enough. You can’t do this. You deserve better.” AHHHH! Just typing those words made my stomach flop. Those dang whispers can invoke feelings of self-pity, selfishness, depression, doubt etc… which all lead to sin and subsequently distract our eyes from heaven.

But dear friend, do not despair! There is hope! God doesn’t leave us unequipped– he gives us the tools and attire to combat this enemy. His love and word are the best weapons. I had this thought during my CRAVE time at church the other day. Have you ever snuck up on somebody when they were standing up and thwacked them in the back of the knee? What happened? That’s right, their knees buckled. I think the enemy does this too– he sneaks up, thwacks us in the back of the knees, and we fall forward… to the ground… on our knees.

When he knocks us to our knees, we have two choices: fall face down, roll over to his advances and give up… or engage in spiritual warfare via prayer. I once saw a quote: “When I fall on my knees, I can stand up to anything.” Amen to that. Sometimes when we are knocked down, it might take us a few moments (minutes? days? months?) to recover and get back in combat prayer position. A few (dozen) tears, kleenexes, foot stomps, fist hits and pieces of chocolate might be involved before that point– but we get there. Thank God.

One of the ways that I put on my “combat boots” to ward off those dreaded whispers is to faithfully do quiet time with the Lord EVERYDAY. And read His word.  It reminds me WHY and HOW God called me here… And it reminds the enemy that God has called me to this, God IS faithful and help me fight to do it!

I don’t know what your combat boots look like. Maybe its a prayer, a piece of jewelry, a picture, a tattoo, a person or something written in dry-erase on your bathroom mirror.  But I do know that we could all use that eventual pick-me-up when the devil knocks us off our feet. That comes through prayer and strength through Christ. We  are all engaged in combat… and we have to give the enemy the BOOT.

The Enemy doesn’t wear combat boots– or at least not the ones issued by God. Because The Lord loves us so much, He issues each us our own special, personalized pair to combat this terrible enemy. We might struggle today, but the victory is already won!!

Fighting for Him,

Initials Signature Blog

“God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.” –Ephesians 6:10-12 (MSG)

Linking up today with my sweet friend Beth over at Three-word Wednesday. Oh! And be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday!

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