Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #4)

Image may contain: 3 people, including Sharita Knobloch, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor

It’s no secret that some of the hardest parts of deployment are the missed special occasions. Today, my dear friend (and our company FRG leader) celebrated her birthday AND her first wedding anniversary, sans her husband (because he is deployed with my Beloved). BUT… Friends don’t let friends face special days alone! I took her out to a “romantic” lunch at Cici’s Pizza Buffet, complete with flowers, balloons, tablecloth, and a handmade “Reserved” sign. Flat Daddy made it a bit awkward because he insisted on being the third wheel.

Flat Daddy had a wonderful Halloween! Not only did he tag along to the Fall Festival at Charis’ school, but we also kept our typical Wednesday night supper date with bestie Megan Clayburn… AND added three special guests: her mama Mary Anne, and our awesome Aunt Susan Gitchel Lacey and Uncle Dennis, who were traveling through in prep for their winter adventures (They are from Alaska).

Halloween Throwback Thursday: Charis: “Hey Mama! What are you gonna be for Halloween?” Me: “I am your mama, the spouse of a deployed soldier and a woman who is training for the El Paso Half Marathon.” Charis: “What does that look like?”

Deployment Log, Day 897…

1. Just kidding. It’s only day 23.

2. But it sure feels longer.

3. I guess I am just super surprised how LITTLE time I have to do “extra” stuff. Like chillax in the evenings. I “only” have two kids but by the time I get them both in bed, bathe/shower myself, I’m smoked.

4. Yet there is still homework calling my name. Oy.

5a. It’s been a very task heavy week– I think everything just fell in the same time frame… Like end/beginning of month taskings for my volunteering, I’m preaching at church this week (yay!), some military events that are kicking off, and of course, the biggest, hairiest booger of them all, this dang-o doctorate level statistics class that INCLUDES A GROUP PROJECT.

5b. It will be a miracle of the Lord Baby Jesus if I make it through this class without giving myself an ulcer or developing an eye twitch. (The instructions for the assignments are super vague, the online database technology is not working, we already had a group member withdrawal from the class… Good times).

6. Oh, and I started a spiritual warfare bible study at PWOC (Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer) and I am TOTALLY loving it. Satan, however is pissed.

7. Can Christians say “pissed?”

8. The kids are doing well. We have a FANTASTIC new pediatrician, we are having good cup-filling time with friends a few times a week, and they are still doing/saying funny things.

9. Example: Charis came into the kitchen the other day holding (by the whiskers) the HEAD OF A DEAD RODENT. I was almost speechless, minus saying “GET THAT OUT OF MY HOUSE” and “GO WASH YOUR HANDS!”

10. At least she isn’t squeamish I guess…

11. Malick also brought me a present from outside the other day… A ginormous (also dead) bumble bee.

12. On Tuesday, I had to say to my son, “Child, why is there a Tiki Torch in my kitchen?”

13. Don’t worry. There wasn’t any fuel in the torch, it was just the stick.

14. Texas-Korea time zones are still lame. Hubs and I are so busy it’s hard to connect. When I think to text/call him, I do the time zone math and realize its like 3am there. No dice.

15. Malick said “Love you” for the first time today!!

16. God bless friends who come over for weekly dates and help me do mundane things like bathe the children and fold an entire week’s worth of laundry. God bless you, Melania.

17. We were SO glad we got to see our Uncle Dennie and Aunt Susan last night! It was a short visit, but definitely heart filling. (The kids both got upset when they left!) We hope to go up to AZ and visit them later this winter.

18. Prayer requests: That my “task list” slows down a bit (or I am able to keep up without getting twitchy), that I have Jesus-level wisdom and discernment for this statistics class and we see success in spite of all the things, that I will only listen to God’s truth and not Satan’s lies (aka, protection from personal spiritual attack) and continued joy in what I am called to do as a milspouse, mama, minister and student.

19. Parting thought:
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:2-4

Wooooheee! Flat Daddy sure had a gourd time at the pumpkin patch! We did ALL THE THINGS: Slides, jumping apparatuses, rode the Cow Train (it was moo-velous), saw the animals, Pony Ride, gobbled up a ginormous turkey leg and roasted corn, and of course, took the hay wagon out to the patch. Not as single part was corny but all was a-maze-ing. The weather was gourd-eous and we couldn’t have picked a better day. We highly recommend it, as you will fall for it and it is sure to leaf you smiling. PS: bonus points to anyone who correctly finds all the hidden puns in there…

Flat Daddy is so supportive on my preachin’ Sunday! He took a page out of Shane Walker’s book and contributed several well placed “Amens” and “That’s Rights!” It was so special to participate as the Holy Spirit totally nailed (another) sermon. It was also SUCH a blessing that several of my deployed spouse compadres showed up to hear the message! My heart is full and I’m extremely grateful (for Jesus, Flat Daddy and all parties involved).

Deployment Diary, Day 26: Brought to you by friends that help you parent, Sunday afternoon naps and kombucha.

1. Sunday afternoon naps are easily my top 5 favorite things ever (yes, above chocolate).

2. Kombucha (probiotic drink) is right up there lately too.

3. I feel like we made it through an intense week… Not sure if you count Sunday as the end of the week or the beginning of the week, but either way, there’s a freshness and renewed energy I’ve got going on right.

4. And thank goodness, because this mama’s tank was running a bit low!

5. Today was my preaching Sunday at church. The Holy Spirit nailed it (again and as usual). I was also blown away by my friends and battle buddies Ingrid, Melania, & Charlsey who showed up to hear the message and cheer me on.

6. I think I should have recruited them to stop by my house beforehand to replace my husband as my “How do I look?” person. (Apparently, my new shirt from Wal-mart worked well… And likely would have received the response of “You look fine.” Whew.)

7. I had a dream (nightmare?) that I left my sermon notes at home and had to wing it. I dreamt I preached on Romans 8:28 around the theme of the latest NCIS episode I watched before falling asleep last night.

8. I did NOT forget my notes for that very reason.

9. I Should probably quit watching NCIS before going to bed.

10. Yesterday we had the brigade’s “Walk to Korea” kick off. I told Charis where we were headed and she PANICKED. Tears and everything. “I DON’T WANNA WALK TO KOREAAAA!! IT’S SO FAAARRRR!! THERE’S WATER!!! LET’S TAKE A PLANE!!!”

11. If you would like to “log” your miles of running/fitness etc over the next 9 months on behalf of our Battalion (I’m heading up tracking part of our journey), click this link for the mile-tracking log via Google Forms:
Yes, it’s a competition with our sister battalions. And yes, I have every intention of crushing it.

12. EDCO745 (Intermediate Statistics) still makes my brain melt and ears smoke. But 2 weeks down, 6 weeks to go. (And praise God for professors who give me grace when I totally did an assignment correctly but on the wrong topic). I did half the assignment to make up for the chic who took a W and withdrew from the class mid week.

13. Did you know that a group of Jellyfish is called a “smack?” #ShampooBottleFacts

14. Yes, I still bathe my children. Occasionally.

15. Malick came to me this morning with his entire face covered in pancake syrup. Seems that he took the plate and just rubbed it all over his face/hair. I cleaned off the sticky best I could, added water and ran my fingers through his “do.” If anyone asks, the hair spikes where totally from hair gel…

16. The kids ate bacon and fruit roll-ups for breakfast on Friday. Protein, fat and fruit, right? RIGHT!?! #SoDoneLastWeek

17. I’m trying to increase my prayer life. One might think my greatest prayers right now are for all things deployment. Half right. I realized the other day I pray hardest when I am buying something online and want PayPal to be an option. Mama doesn’t want to have to get up. #JesusJustLetMeSit

18. Friends that help me parent (Megan, Brandi & Shane & Melania) have an exceptionally special place in heaven. Right up there with teachers. And people who make kombucha. And who invented washing machines and dishwashers.

19. Today’s parting thought:
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” ~Romans 15:13


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