HEY HUSBAND!! I am over this deployment and am so ready to transition from being cact-i to cactus!! #WaitingIsMoreFunWithPuns#CactusPunsAreAlwaysOnPoint #HomecomingCountdown
HEY HUSBAND!! Aren’t “chew” done with deployment yet?? I’m ready for you to be ‘bacca in my arms! #StarWarsPunsAreOutOfThisWorld#NeedMoreCoffeeInThisMugSoImNotSoSpacey
HEY HUSBAND! Did you know that the homecoming homestretch is apparently an implied License to Chill? #WhenIGrowUpIWannaBe2#NotStaged #HopeHePullsThrough #MamaWasSweating
HEY HUSBAND! My excitement for this deployment to end is… (wait for it…) “mountain” everyday!
HEY HUSBAND! Yes, it is true that deployment really “bites” sometimes, but you are always and forever the apple of my eye!
Oh Mama. It was good to see you and spend some time together, even if it was just a few short days. Safe travels back to the ocean (I mean Kansas).
Deployment Log, Day 224:
1. Good news, my friends! The very annoying cloud of “Blah” lifted yesterday morning, after 7, well, blah days.
2. I am SO relieved. Feeling that way is no bueno!
3. I had been wracking my brain and searching my heart for the why behind the blahs, and I think it was a combination of several things: transition out of school for the summer (which means I’m less busy, a good thing– but gives me room to feel the feelings–yikes!) those pesky woman hormones, too many processed carbs and sugar #ThornsInMySide and just #DeploymentLife. Glad we made it to the other side of THAT!
4. Mom got here Friday afternoon and I dropped her off at the airport today. Although the visit didn’t go as planned (what IS it with Texas and causing stomach issues in my parents when they arrive?) we made the best of it. Grown-up companionship was welcome!
5. At church Sunday, I was able to have a much needed ugly cry, which has been building for several days (See points 1-3). It felt good. Messy, but good.
6. I also had a revelation that I was just tired of being strong. People say, “Oh girl, you don’t have to be strong all the time,” I kind of don’t agree… I mean, I’m not saying “strong” in a sense of being warm and fuzzy and bubbly all the time. Or faking it till I make it. But I DO have the strong one in our household right now. My normal let-me-be-unstrong-and-ugly-cry-in-your-arms person is deployed. So when I say strong, I mean steadfast and stable for the kids.
7. Thankfully, *IF* *IF* this deployment concludes when it is *ISH* scheduled, we *COULD* be 91% *ISH* done with it!!! That’s an “A.” I can totally get on board with THAT!!
8. I just learned today that Magic Eraser will take red paint off of a husband’s large white truck from a mishap I had with the Dunkin Donuts Drive Thru pole a month ago. I AM SO RELIEVED about that too!
9. Charis had her Kindergarten “Awards Ceremony” in her classroom on Friday. Apparently “Awards Ceremony” is El Paso speak for “Bring your kid balloons and flowers to commemorate their graduation.” Missed THAT memo.
10. But Charis crushed kindergarten this year. Like, nailed it, even with the challenges and changes of deployment. I was so proud of her I legit teared up. She received 7 awards (and no, all of them weren’t “everybody gets a ribbon” kind of thing. Only two awards were that). She received recognition for Art, Reading, Handwriting, Math AND (the most teary-uppy one) Citizenship. Only one boy and one girl got Citizenship. So proud of our girl!
11. To celebrate, I let her pick out a cake and balloons since I missed the first memo on celebratory protocol in West Texas (See #8).
12. She chose a Tres Leche Cake. Seriously, when Jesus comes back, he’s gonna be carrying Tres Leche Cake in one hand and baked brie in the other. #JesusCake #JesusCheese Right, Megan Clayburn, Becky Fouard and Emily Loeb?
13. We still had leftover cake on Monday. So I got up and had to throw it in the trash. I was so blah and emotional I couldn’t trust myself. I’m feeling more empowered and less discouraged in my health/food choices again. THANK THE LORD.
14. Prayer requests: For smooth transition as the school year ends TOMORROW and that I can be present and enjoy the kiddos (and El Paso and life in general) as the last few weeks *ISH* of this deployment tick by.
15. Parting thought: “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” ~James 1:12
Alas, ’tis the last day of kindergarten for our girl. And in the spirit of all things growing up, she graced us with two really solid final Musings from Kindergarten Korner…
Charis: “MAMA! I don’t remember how to eat because Malick is distracting meeeee!”
Charis: “When I grow up, I want to be a flamingo.”
#IThoughtSheWantedToBeAVeterinarian #WhoForgetsHowToEat #NotI#WhatShouldICallHerFirstGradeQuips?