Deployment Log, Day 15: Brought to you by the Department of Motor Vehicles, Jason’s Deli and incredible Jesus-multiplying minutes.
1. It’s been a good day, Tater. (Not sure why I’m calling people “Tater” at the moment…)
2. I did some pretty major adulting today and ate a couple of “frogs” that have been on my list for months… I got an updated military ID AND, after almost 20 years of being a “Kansas” resident with a KS Driver’s License, switched to Texas.
3. It’s bittersweet.
4. To explain the “eating the frog” thing before you think I am some reptilian weirdo… “Eating the frog” is the task/leadership theory that if you do your hardest/least fun task first thing in the morning, the day will only go up from there. AKA, eat a frog right away and your day will only get better!
5. Today was a total win because I was having a good face day… And was able to get both ID’s done and only groom once. Efficiency at its finest, folks.
6. Malick has now watched Cars 3 15 times since see-you-later day.
7. Charis has been acting a bit “off” this week. Not sure if she is tired, not really feeling well, or if the longevity of the deployment is starting to sink in. (Appreciate prayers for my girl, and discernment for me to help with whatever it going on…)
8. She woke me up at 0226 this morning and told me to come to her room because she “needed to talk to me.” Turns out her “Daddy Bear” (named Liberty) was naked and 0226 in the morning was the most appropriate time to ask her sleeping mother to dress the bear.
9. Did I mention my OneWord for this year is GRACE?!?!
10. My adulting appointments went so well I was able to grab lunch with my Women’s Wednesday girls at Jason’s Deli.
11. I also finally found an amazing counselor to help me continue to grow and develop healthy mental habits… So grateful for all who recommended Mrs. Kia!
12. Today’s closing thought: “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” ~Ecclesiastes 3:11