Deployment Log: How We #America (Week #12)

Image may contain: 2 people, including Blake Wysong

Flat Daddy reminded me at the Wysong Christmas yesterday that I sure “picked” an amazing family to marry in to… Miss you, my Beloved!

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My FB memories reminded me that one year ago yesterday (12/23), I broke 12,000 on my One-Thousand Gift list (aka, my gratitude list). Then yesterday (12/23/18) (after working on my list for 7 years,) I hit 16,000 on the exact same day one year later! In 12 months, I added 4K items for which I am thankful. Will I hit 20k in 2019? I’m sure gonna give it a go!

Image may contain: 6 people, including Dietrich Knobloch, Sharita Knobloch and Lex Wysong Knobloch, people smiling, people standing and indoor

Merry Christmas, my friends!


Image may contain: 5 people, including Sharita Knobloch and Rita Knobloch, people smiling, people sitting

Now presenting: Flat Daddy and the Canine Five.

Just because my beloved is deployed doesn’t mean our Christmas has gone to the dogs. (We miss you so much, Brandon! Merry Christmas, Beloved!)


Deployment Log, Day 80:

1. Our Christmas was low-key and lovely, in spite of hubs/daddy being nearly 6k miles away. #GodBlessGrandparents

2. We have snow! And it was simply delightful the first day and a half. But last night, the temp bottomed out, so we are now in a location where the air officially hurts my face.

3. I had a 2nd Christmas at the end of this week– a ministry sabbatical! Yes, my fave time of year when I go away for a couple-three days, just me and Jesus… no social media, email, TV. Glory, glory, hallelujah!

4. I found a very economical and adorable place in downtown Sioux Falls to stay. If anyone needs the link, hit me up!

5. The owner of the B & B was so sweet. And incredibly motherly (which isn’t a surprise as she has 13(!?!?!) grown children.) She called me this morning before I departed: “I’m gonna pop outside and shovel the walk for you here shortly. It’s really cold outside, so be careful. It will be slick since there’s ice under the snow. Did you bring winter clothes? Do you have gloves? Does your car have good tires? You should probably go out and let it warm up for a while…” I chuckled and told her I wasn’t ORIGINALLY from West Texas. As a Kansas girl, this isn’t my first winter storm rodeo.

6. That said… It took some serious prayer to pry the iced-over door open to the car, jiggle the latch with a utility knife since it was frozen/stuck after I got it open, and practically had to lay hands on the car to get it to start in sub-zero temps. But we made it happen.

7. I also drove like a 96-year-old person. Very slowly and cautiously. Because I was rusty at driving in winter weather, plus it wasn’t my car to begin with (Thank for the loaner, Lex and D!)

8. Can I just take a minute to say how AWESOME it is to have in-laws that you not only tolerate but actually adore and love to spend time with? Thank. You. Jesus. (And THANK YOU GRANDMA LEX for watching my kids so could adult!)

9. I spent most of my time on sabbatical prepping for the new year… It was a bit less reflective than my normal December trip, since I had a sabbatical in September and the Lord had already given me my God-sized dreams and what not for 2019. I have my OneWord for 2019 (STEADFAST… what’s yours?) and I spent a vast majority of my time putting together my bullet journal.

10. Speaking of which: I am now OBSESSED with Washi tape. Like, it makes my heart sing. So. Pretty. In the words of Buddy the Elf: “I’M IN LOVE, I’M IN LOVE & I DON’T CARE WHO KNOWS IT!”

11. Seriously. I went to Hobby Lobby, blacked out and ended up back in the car with several new rolls of Washi tape AND an “official” Washi tape carrying case. #NoShame

12. I guess I could have worse habits.

13. My heart is joyful and my spirit is refreshed. Thank you Lord, for these precious gifts (and people!) that rise far beyond our current season of circumstances.

14. Prayer requests: Continue to be present with my children, enjoy the time with family and keep getting jazzed up for the coming New Year!

15. Parting thought:
“I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” ~Psalm 16:8


Image may contain: 3 people, including Sharita Knobloch and Lex Wysong Knobloch, people smiling

It might look like we just fell off the Hot Mess Express, but this is a dream come true for me: working out with my mother-in-love! She let me join her early Saturday morning sesh with her personal trainer… and let’s just say I seriously underestimated the intensity level. #HurtSoGood When it was over, we both felt like peanut butter and jelly: Peanut Butter legs and jelly-like arms.

PS: Flat Daddy was a decent cheerleader but absolutely no help during that AMRAP that included burpees. #WhatASlacker


Lex and I make a solid parenting team. Check out this song we made up on the fly last night…

*To the tune of “Jesus loves me”*

Lex: “Little Malick, say good night, please go to sleep with out a fight…” 
Me: “Please cooperate and don’t be crazy, because your mama is feeling tired and lazy!”

? YESSSSSSS, Jesus loves meeeeeee!?
? YESSSSSSS, Jesus loves meeeeeee!?
? YESSSSSSS, Jesus loves meeeeeee!?
? The Bible tells me so. ? #DeploymentParenting

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