A Comedic Comparison: Deployment Beginning Vs. End

Deployments are a funny thing.

They are (of course) very much a challenging part of this army wife life, and they are always full of surprises. As I type this, sitting in the Fort Lewis Starbucks, we are in the homestretch of our latest deployment. (Yes. We see the humorous signs that homecoming is coming!)

Hopefully by the time this post publishes, my Beloved Husband and I will be back in the same zip code. (Pending broken planes, incorrect scheduling, etc.)

And, as it is with most military adventures, I’ve taken some time recently to reflect and really ruminate on my personal behaviors during this deployment.

What has surprised me the most is the drastic difference between the beginning and end of a deployment on the home front.

Since humor is one of my primary coping mechanisms (and a reason that my house is still standing some days,) I now present you a comedic comparison of the beginning vs. end of a deployment. #ItsFunnyCuzItsTrue

Deployment Comparison



Beginning: Although I am bummed at the beginning of a deployment with the recent departure of my main squeeze, my attitude is typically that of motivation and strength. I am looking for any opportunity and How to America in my daily life. I get busy, pumped and ready to conquer all the things!

End: My attitude at the end of a deployment is best expressed in hashtags: #OverIt #WrapItUpAmerica #SoDone #WhatIsTheLastPossibleMomentICanWaitToShaveMyLegs

Want to read more? Hop on over to Army Wife Network. 

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