The Christian Runner’s Creed

If you have been hanging around 7 Days Time this year, you know that God has calling me to do some pretty outrageous things… At least for this girl who formerly hated running with a passion.

Yes, He has called me to become a runner. This year, by the complete grace, power and strength of Jesus, I have went from a gal who couldn’t run a mile to someone who ran a 10K (6.2 miles) and then also recently completed my first half-marathon (13.1 miles.)

I think I have become a crazy person… If not a crazy person in general, at least one who is more and more crazy about Jesus every single day.

I give Him all of the glory for this journey. (And I don’t think it is over yet… Stay tuned…)

A few things I have learned about running:

1. It is sweaty work.

2. The hardest part is usually getting out the door.

3. Long runs can be really long.

4. Running is a great time to think, pray, dream, plan and hope.

On a recent long run, I was simply in awe of how God was moving in my life. In just a few short months, I had watched His power manifest through my physical self, transforming my mama-minister body into a healthier temple for Him to dwell. As I though about this, I was encouraged. Empowered. Motivated.

And inspired.

Since every mile I run is for Christ, the one who gave it all for our future in heaven, I “wrote” a Christian Runner’s Creed in my head.

And wanted to share it with you today… It will apply to you, whether you are a new runner, a professional legit runner, a person who dreams about running, someone who knows someone who runs or even if you have ever “run” to the store for a gallon of milk. #SeeWhatIDidThere?

So here it is.

Christian Runners Creed

A Christian Runner’s Creed

I am a Christian Runner. 

I will never quit. I will encourage those around me.  I will persevere. I will pray. I will push. I will see Victory in Him. 

I will not compare myself to others. I am simply competing with my former self and the only opinion that matters is that of Christ. 

I acknowledge that I have good days and not-so-good days. But all my days are God-days. 

I am not defined by per mile pace or distance ran. I am defined by who I am in Christ. 

I will celebrate every moment, every mile, every personal record because God is the one who has called me to it and has helped me do it. 

I will be thankful for the ability to run, for this, in and of itself, is a blessing I refuse to take for granted. 

I believe that God has equipped me for the race ahead and that no matter how or when I finish, if I run for Him, I win every time. 

I will trust God to get me to the finish line… not just on race day, but on that day when my race on earth is over and I am welcomed to my Final Destination. 

I don’t run for personal glory, race swag or the calories burned. I don’t run for bragging rights or bucket list accomplishments.

I run Soli Deo Gloria, to the Glory of God alone. 

I am a Christian Runner. 


So my friends… What are your thoughts? I would love to hear your feedback (leave a comment here) and feel free to share this with anyone you think might be inspired or encouraged by it!

I am continually blown away by how God is working in my life in the area of physical fitness and developing me, (ME!?!) as a runner. I never, ever in my lift thought I would ever be able to say…

I am a Christian runner.

Running my Race for Him,

Initials Signature Blog

Linking up today with Jen over at Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood,  Hazel via  Tell Me a Story and Jennifer Dukes Lee over at #TellHisStory. Be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up  community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday!

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