For A Time Such As This #WilcoWednesday

Welcome to Wilco Wednesday! (Side note: I know it’s not Wednesday… yet. But this blog has been in my queue for months now, and it keeps missing schedule… So ok, technology manual publish it is!) If you are a new around these parts, “Wilco” is Army-speak for “Will Comply.” Think of it as saying “Roger, God. Got it. Will do.”  So that is what Wednesday here at 7 Days Time is all about– exploring his decrees and seeking guidance for what complying with Him looks like in everyday life. The best part? He loves us for who we are, not what we do.  Remember: He doesn’t want perfection, just obedience. Share. Enjoy. Interact. And let’s respond to God’s call with  a hearty “Wilco, Lord!”  Help me welcome a very wise and loving, prayerful friend of ours, Cheryl as she shares a message you don’t want to miss. 


“For God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.” ~Romans 11:29

After being an intercessor for over 20 years, I never thought it would be hard to pray, but it was. There was so much pain.  I relied on the prayers of others to carry me through. My mother was raised Catholic and repeated the prayer she had frequently heard in mass: “Lord have mercy.”  We both prayed for God’s mercy.

Only 6 weeks after I had been diagnosed with cancer, had surgery and was on the road to recovery, my mother was diagnosed with stage four bone cancer.  It’s a very painful disease.

Many days were spent trying to control my mother’s pain.  I intervened often and, if necessary, aggressively, to make sure my mother was comfortable.  I held her in my arms and cried with her as we waited for the nurses to bring the medication that would make the pain bearable.  I helped her bathe, brush her teeth, eat and drink, and even put on her makeup and curled her hair when she was up to it.  I arranged Hospice. I helped to keep her medications straight.  I requested oxygen when it seemed necessary. And more… [Read more…]

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The Shepherd Or… #WilcoWednesday

Welcome to Wilco Wednesday! If you are a new around these parts, “Wilco” is Army-speak for “Will Comply.” Think of it as saying “Roger, God. Got it. Will do.”  So that is what Wednesday here at 7 Days Time is all about– exploring his decrees and seeking guidance for what complying with Him looks like in everyday life. The best part? He loves us for who we are, not what we do.  Remember: He doesn’t want perfection, just obedience. Share. Enjoy. Interact. Please help me welcome a passionate follower of Jesus, and a very wise woman, Sammie– as she shares one of my favorite faith-based illustrations. 

Have you ever heard a sermon that just impressed you so much it stayed with you for a long time? You know the kind I mean, where the Pastor waxes bold on the efficacy of following The Shepherd – “I am the Shepherd and my sheep know my voice.” (John 10:27)

That’s an interesting concept; One that catches our imagination on Sunday mornings and provokes our minds to aspirations of walking the walk as well as talking the talk.  But if you are like me, as well intended as I may be, my week gets busy, the days fly by – there’s so much to do. I’m stressed about this and/or that and before I know it my devotions are off schedule. The Wheels of my Spiritual Life seem to roll along with one side a little flat. Or worse, I become stalled altogether.  I ponder… “Now, what did the Pastor say about the Shepherd and His sheep?  Wish I could remember the details!” 

One morning, during a busy season of my life,  my Pastor gave us a wonderful story that has stayed with me 35 years!!   It has helped me stop and pray through many a “flat wheel moments” or when I can’t seem to hear My Shepherd’s Voice.  It has helped me part the veil of confusion reigning in my heart and see with clarity the spiritual battle that is happening at those times. (Eph. 6:10-18)

I’d like to share that story with you, with the prayer that you too will be helped by its simplicity but great message.

Shepherd Or

There once was a small congregation in England who had a wonderful Pastor who guided and nurtured them. He taught them well from God’s word.  One day, as a congregation, they all decided to visit Israel.   While flying to their destination, their Pastor encouraged them to pay particular attention when they saw a Shepherd, with staff in hand and guiding his flock; how the sheep would docilely follow him here and there – bleating softly – happily following him wherever he would lead. This, of course, is an example of how our personal walk should be with our  Shepherd.

One day, outside a small village, they saw a man with his sheep.   However,  the sheep were stressed, frantic in behavior, running here and there,  panting and scurrying as he drove them from behind, prodding unkindly with his staff. 

 The little congregation was confused!   They went to their pastor and said… “We thought you said the sheep were calm and happy and willingly followed their Shepherd!?  Why was he behind them? Why were they frantic and stressed?”    The Pastor was just as perplexed, so he asked their guide for clarification,  as this was contrary to all he had read of how shepherd’s herded their flocks. 

The Pastor approached the guide and posed the question: “Why, after all we have learned and been taught about shepherding here in Israel, is the flock of sheep so harried and discontented when interacting with their shepherd?”

Without miss a beat, the guide replied: “Oh, that’s NOT the Shepherd… That is the BUTCHER!”  

(1. Peter 5:8) 

Beloved sisters in Christ, when you are feeling harried, stressed, frantic, depressed, anxious, fearful, undone, scattered, or unsure which direction to go: ask yourself this question… Am I following the Shepherd who leads me OR…  Am I being driven forward by The Butcher?!

I pray this little sermonette stays with you for years to come too.  Be blessed, know His voice, and stay close to THE SHEPHERD.


Dear, sweet readers– take a quick peek at your heart today… Are you being driven forward by the Shepherd or the Butcher? Join the conversation and leave a comment.

Sammie headshotSuzanne (Sammie) Gray has been a Bible Study leader with PWOC,  International  Women’s Club, and  Campus Crusade for Christ ministries for over 42 years.   Her passion is teaching women how to walk in victory in their knowledge of our Jesus Christ.  Her hearts calling and personal ministry Scripture is Is. 61; 1-3 helping women to discover Christ’s Divine Design and calling on their lives.

She has two children, three grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.  She spent 15 years in the Corporate  world,  has owned/operated three  businesses, and traveled the world extensively.  Her hobbies are gardening, music, and studying Paleo-Biblical Hebrew interpretation of Scripture.  


Linking up today with my friend Kristin over at Three-word Wednesday and having a little Coffee for your Heart with Holley.  


7 Days Time

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Faith is a Gift #WilcoWednesday

Welcome to Wilco Wednesday! If you are a new around these parts, “Wilco” is Army-speak for “Will Comply.” Think of it as saying “Roger, God. Got it. Will do.”  So that is what Wednesday here at 7 Days Time is all about– exploring his decrees and seeking guidance for what complying with Him looks like in everyday life. The best part? He loves us for who we are, not what we do.  Remember: He doesn’t want perfection, just obedience. Share. Enjoy. Interact. And let’s respond to God’s call with  a hearty “Wilco, Lord!” Please help me welcome my friend Amy to the blogging “stage!” 


“Faith is a gift from God.  It is our duty to accept it.”  –MNSGR Gerald Ward

Many years ago, my husband and I attended a marriage retreat when we were stationed at Fort Campbell, KY.  I couldn’t have been more excited.  A weekend away in Nashville at the Opryland hotel!  All expenses paid!  Just us!  My mom had even flown in to watch our 20-month-old.  Fresh from his first deployment, the husband and I were more than ready to delve into our marriage through some bible study and companionship with other military couples.  I even remember pulling out my “formal shoes” and my go-to little black dress in the hopes of a fancy dinner.  This. Was. Serious. [Read more…]

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Faith: Do I have enough? #WilcoWednesday

Welcome to Wilco Wednesday! If you are a new around these parts, “Wilco” is Army-speak for “Will Comply.” Think of it as saying “Roger, God. Got it. Will do.”  So that is what Wednesday here at 7 Days Time is all about– exploring his decrees and seeking guidance for what complying with Him looks like in everyday life. The best part? He loves us for who we are, not what we do.  Remember: He doesn’t want perfection, just obedience. Share. Enjoy. Interact. And let’s respond to God’s call with  a hearty “Wilco, Lord!”  Welcome today my wise and loving friend, Katharina as she shares her heart with us. 


Have you ever wondered how some people have faith that can move a mountain? I have! It seems to me that my faith is overshadowed more with doubt than anything else.

I would like to introduce to you George Müller (1805-1898). He opened up his heart and house to serve the orphans in Bristol, England. He and his wife started their ministry in their house with a Breakfast Club that began with 30 orphans, eventually growing to five large houses, which ultimately served over ten thousand children (Benge, J. & H., 1999, George Müller, The Guardian of Bristol’s Orphans). [Read more…]

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When Life and Beliefs Collide #WilcoWednesday

Welcome to Wilco Wednesday! If you are a new around these parts, “Wilco” is Army-speak for “Will Comply.” Think of it as saying “Roger, God. Got it. Will do.”  So that is what Wednesday here at 7 Days Time is all about– exploring his decrees and seeking guidance for what complying with Him looks like in everyday life. The best part? He loves us for who we are, not what we do.  Remember: He doesn’t want perfection, just obedience. Share. Enjoy. Interact. And let’s respond to God’s call with  a hearty “Wilco, Lord!”  Welcome my sweet-hearted, oil-loving friend Shelby!


For years I thought “You know, this walk would be much easier if God would lay out His will for me.” Then a dear sister in Christ took me to God’s word and pointed out verse after verse that tells us what His will is. I was stunned. So I became a student of the Bible and crammed a ton of theology into my brain because hey, if I knew all that stuff, life wouldn’t be so hard! Right?! Ha! I borrowed the title of this blog from a book that calls us to think seriously about what we believe about God. Because knowing Him and His character makes a difference when we’re faced with trials. I want to touch on two things…sickness and healing. But really, grace and faith. [Read more…]

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He Forgives & Forgets #WilcoWednesday

7 Days Time

Welcome to Wilco Wednesday! If you are a new around these parts, “Wilco” is Army-speak for “Will Comply.” Think of it as saying “Roger, God. Got it. Will do.”  So that is what Wednesday here at 7 Days Time is all about– exploring his decrees and seeking guidance for what complying with Him looks like in everyday life. The best part? He loves us for who we are, not what we do.  Remember: He doesn’t want perfection, just obedience. Share. Enjoy. Interact. Please help me welcome a passionate follower of Jesus, dear Sammie, as she shares a beautiful poem she wrote in 1980.


The phone rang and after sprinting through the house to catch the call before the message machine engaged in its soliloquy, I was greeted by a friends warm voice whom I hadn’t seen in many months.  After a few moments of lively conversation, arrangements were made for her to come visit the next day so we could have time to indulge in an afternoon of fellowship and catching up on events.

The next day when she arrived, the teapot was nestled in its “cozy,” the cookies were on the tray and the English tea cups decorated the Garden Room table like miniature flower bouquets.  Does life get any better than this??  Our conversation that afternoon manifested the ever present “essence of the Unseen Guest” as the shuttle of our thoughts and comments wove evidence of how the Lord was moving in the warp and woof of our personal lives.

Forgives ForgetsThen, quietly my guest said, “I don’t know what to do with the guilt I feel for the things I’ve done wrong in my life.  I feel so useless to the Lord!”  I asked if she had taken those sins before the Lord in prayer and confession – to which she answered… “Oh yes, I keep confessing and confessing them but the guilt feeling doesn’t go away!”  My heart ached seeing her emotionally caught in the web of the “Deceiver.” She was temporarily unable to “lay hold of the freedom of the forgiveness through our Messiah” (Prov.4:4)

Today, I was repairing the hem in the sleeve of this jump suit when, as cutting the thread, I accidentally snipped part of the fabric itself.  I mended it and the garment is whole once again, still of value and capable of continued use; yet, you can see the “scar” where the mending was done.   Although I feel sad the episode happened, whenever I look at the repair,  I don’t need to keep bringing it back to the sewing machine and ‘re-mending’ that spot.

When we confess our sins, God Forgives AND Forgets them (AKA, separates them from us – (Ps 103:12). Through confession, we are washed in the righteousness of Jesus work on the Cross (Rom.10:4)   However, like the garment, our lives often carry the scars of our wrongful deeds.  Our freedom in Christ is  knowing HE has mended/healed those damaged parts (1 Peter 2:24) and made us whole again!  Often we confuse what God does – Forgive and Forget, removing the sin completely, (Heb. 10:17) with the reality that here on earth, we live with the consequences of our sins.  In that confusion we tend to take our eyes off Jesus and instead dwell on the scar (sin) and what caused it!

Looking at the mended part of the sleeve of my garment, I think how unfortunate the event took place – but it is mended and therefore taken care of!  When we feel sad about a past sin, the Accuser (Satan)  likes  to whisper in our ear… “Ah Ha, see that scar – you’re guilty…you’re guilty.  Look what you did!”  And at that point, we assume feeling bad means not being forgiven.  So, based on feelings, we drag our emotions back to the Cross to be forgiven (mended) at the same spot over and over.  (Like taking the garment back to the sewing machine for the same repair.) And, in the process, we hinder moving on in our walk in the Lord.  Satan likes to muddle our thinking – especially in the Forgiveness process – and delights in getting us focused on feelings rather than Scriptural Fact!

You see, our part of the Forgive could be likened to the pain experienced in child bearing.  We lived through the pain; can’t deny it happened.  In fact, we can look back and recall the experience of that pain; but, as it is in the past and done with,  we release it and move on with our lives.  To forgive in the form of release is to be set free from that event’s bondage!

God graciously calls us to live in the freedom of His forgiveness of confessed sin and walk in the newness of Christ (1John 1;7) – not heed the lies of the Accuser trying to keep us from realizing our victory in Christ!

My friend and I prayed together that afternoon and I encouraged her to experience the freedom of seeing those scars as reminders of the Joy of our Salvation (Ps 51:12).  Knowing that like a mended garment, we can see the mended areas of our lives and rejoice in the healing ministry of our Lord.  HE who mends hearts and minds, making us whole in Him, Redeemed, Renewed, and still of value in His sight.  (Luke 1:68).

Does life get any better than this?  That we could dwell in the presence of our Lord in praises and encourage one another/to taste and see the Lord is good!(Ps 34.8), She left that day pondering her new perspective of freedom in Christ!  And, as I waved goodbye, I purposed in my heart to pray both of us would continue to grow in His Grace.

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen.” ~2 Peter 3:18  


Think back on your darkest hours… How do the words above encourage you? Leave a comment and join the conversation.

Sammie headshotSuzanne (Sammie) Gray has been a Bible Study leader with PWOC,  International  Women’s Club, and  Campus Crusade for Christ ministries for over 42 years.   Her passion is teaching women how to walk in victory in their knowledge of our Jesus Christ.  Her hearts calling and personal ministry Scripture is Is. 61; 1-3 helping women to discover Christ’s Divine Design and calling on their lives.

She has two children, three grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.  She spent 15 years in the Corporate  world,  has owned/operated three  businesses, and traveled the world extensively.  Her hobbies are gardening, music, and studying Paleo-Biblical Hebrew interpretation of Scripture.  


Linking up today with my friend Kristin over at Three-word Wednesday and having a little Coffee for your Heart with Holley.  

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Made with His Loving Hand #WilcoWednesday

Welcome to Wilco Wednesday! If you are a new around these parts, “Wilco” is Army-speak for “Will Comply.” Think of it as saying “Roger, God. Got it. Will do.”  So that is what Wednesday here at 7 Days Time is all about– exploring his decrees and seeking guidance for what complying with Him looks like in everyday life. The best part? He loves us for who we are, not what we do.  Remember: He doesn’t want perfection, just obedience. Share. Enjoy. Interact. And let’s respond to God’s call with  a hearty “Wilco, Lord!” Please welcome our PWOC sister, Kornelia (aka, Konnie.)  


7 Days Time

Over the years, I have noticed that many woman and girls have a very negative view of themselves, especially when it comes to looks. This has always made me very sad.

I too have struggled with insecurities as a teenager and later as a young woman.

But when I found God, I slowly, very slowly,  learned to see myself in a healthier way. I remember reading Psalm 139:16…

“…For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

I had a tough childhood. Maybe you had one too—one that left you scarred. Maybe you still hear the lies in your head from days long past. But the good news is that God heals.  We can bring those old wounds to Jesus, who faced suffering when he was on this earth too.

Loving HandIt took me a while, but one day I realized that I could say no to the negative voices in my head and replace them with God’s word. Consider this: there is no one in this whole wide world that looks like you do. GOD made you and created you with His loving hand.

Honestly, I have had my bad days. You probably have too.  But I refuse to listen to the lies of the enemy anymore. Time is precious.  I will not waste it.

I also would like to encourage you to find out what God given talents you possess.  Once you know and work in these gifts, you will feel so blessed. Just look back on the things you loved to do as a child, as a teen and as an adult. You will get an idea what brings you joy. When I do what I love, and use the gifts God gave me, I feel happy and it makes me feel beautiful from the inside out. We woman are such an awesome creation. We ROCK!

The world would want us to believe that we can be happy only if we look a certain way. But we can look to God and what He says about us. I can’t count the many times I have gotten ready in front of the mirror years ago and did not like what I saw. Sometimes I felt even hatred for myself. But with Christian counseling and spending time with my awesome Papa Jesus, I can say now:  I am wonderfully made.

The more time I spend with Him the more I get to know Him and His love for me.

So please embrace the beautiful, wonderful you that God intended you to be. Don’t waste another minute listening to the lies. Look in the mirror and say. “Girl, you rock!”  Say it as often as needed until you finally believe and feel it.

We have a great power living in us.  If we ask God to help us to see ourselves the way He sees us, He truly will set us free. We are no longer victims.  We are victorious through Jesus Christ. Embrace the beautiful, wonderful you.  The you that God created you to be. When we really start to believe how much we are loved, we will carry ourselves differently.  We walk as women who know who we are in Christ. Remember the enemy came to kill and destroy, but Christ came so that we can have new hope for a better and brighter future.

You were made with His loving hand… it is certainly wasn’t by accident.

Kornelia (Konnie) Brown is from Germany, but has lived in the USA for 25 years. She has been married for 28 years and has three grown children and five grand kids. Konnie has enjoyed writing stories, poems, and songs since her teenage years.



Linking up today with my friend Kristin over at Three-word Wednesday and having a little Coffee for your Heart with Holley.  Oh! And be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday!

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Just a little Respect (in Marriage) #WilcoWednesday

Welcome to Wilco Wednesday! If you are a new around these parts, “Wilco” is Army-speak for “Will Comply.” Think of it as saying “Roger, God. Got it. Will do.”  So that is what Wednesday here at 7 Days Time is all about– exploring his decrees and seeking guidance for what complying with Him looks like in everyday life. The best part? He loves us for who we are, not what we do.  Remember: He doesn’t want perfection, just obedience. Share. Enjoy. Interact. And let’s respond to God’s call with  a hearty “Wilco, Lord!”  Welcome my talented and insightful friend Ande! 



When I was pregnant with my first, I was involved in a business that did home shows. I met all kinds of ladies talking about all kinds of things. One day I was discussing my product with several women over the age of 50. I had been married almost seven years and very excited to be a new mom. It struck me as odd that these women had very little to say that was nice about their own husbands! They told me to “just wait, you’ll see” as they explained how lazy, old and fat their husbands were.

NO! I thought, and even said aloud at one time, “I really like my husband!”

But who hasn’t complained about her beloved? Just blowing off steam? I wondered. This is a temptation from the king of lies, Satan. He wants to destroy our marriage. Marriage, though, is a gift from God – the first gift that Eve receives after the gift of life. [Read more…]

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Holy Spirit, You Are Welcome Here #WilcoWednesday

Welcome to Wilco Wednesday! If you are a new around these parts, “Wilco” is Army-speak for “Will Comply.” Think of it as saying “Roger, God. Got it. Will do.”  So that is what Wednesday here at 7 Days Time is all about– exploring his decrees and seeking guidance for what complying with Him looks like in everyday life. The best part? He loves us for who we are, not what we do.  Remember: He doesn’t want perfection, just obedience. Share. Enjoy. Interact. And let’s respond to God’s call with  a hearty “Wilco, Lord!” Welcome today, my good friend BriAnn as she shares a snippet of her testimony. 


In life, we all make choices. Apart from God, these choices are driven by our inner desires. When our inner desires aren’t being met by God’s love, protection, provision, meaning, and purpose for our lives, we’ll find ourselves looking for love in all the wrong places.

And that’s exactly where I found myself at age 19. Marrying a man I had dated for six years, but didn’t truly know, having a child when I was still a child, moving 2600 miles away from my family and friends, into an absolute mess of a situation, all while looking for my identity in the man that I believed should meet all of my needs. [Read more…]

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Hold On to Your Joy! #WilcoWednesday

7 Days Time

Welcome to Wilco Wednesday! If you are a new around these parts, “Wilco” is Army-speak for “Will Comply.” Think of it as saying “Roger, God. Got it. Will do.”  So that is what Wednesday here at 7 Days Time is all about– exploring his decrees and seeking guidance for what complying with Him looks like in everyday life. The best part? He loves us for who we are, not what we do.  Remember: He doesn’t want perfection, just obedience. Share. Enjoy. Interact. Welcome a very Godly, loving woman, my friend Bobbie. 

“Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, you righteous; sing, all you who are upright in heart!”               ~Psalm 32:11

It is quite natural for us to be moved and influenced by what goes on around us.  When someone is sad, we want to be sensitive, compassionate and supportive.  We might naturally suppress our exuberance over something great going on in one’s own life.  If we learn that a friend’s lost item (wallet, phone, keys, military ID) is recovered, even if we are struggling with hard things, we freely enter into the joy of that person.  Paul says in Romans 12:15, “Rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.” [Read more…]

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