The Enemy Doesn’t Wear Combat Boots

We are all fighting a battle. Some of us more than one. As an army wife (specifically: Infantryman/current Drill Sergeant’s wife), it sometimes seems like the battles are never-ending. I battle with maintaining patience, changing schedules, miscommunication, all while attempting to continually support my Beloved Husband in his quest to defend this mighty country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. But whether you are an army spouse, doctor’s spouse, farmer’s spouse or any son or daughter of Christ,  we are all fighting the same spiritual Enemy. [Read more…]

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Leftovers: Only For Eating

Ready for a quick trip down memory lane? Sweet, let’s go. When I was growing up, one of my favorite foods was… (wait for it…) leftovers. Yes, we were the family that it was totally legit to eat the leftover lasagna from supper for breakfast the next day. I remember in middle school we were writing our “Newsletter” and did a survey of our tiny student body of their favorite “after school snack.” There was one write-in vote for “Leftovers.” Fortunately for me,  the surveys were anonymous and when everyone literally laughed out loud at the ridiculousness (practicality?) of the thought, I never owned up that twas I who wrote that as my favorite snack. [Read more…]

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A Winning Team

This 8 wk semester I am taking an Evangelism class as well as a team leadership class… Here is one of my latest Discussion board posts…  Hope it hits a home run! (or at least a grounder to 3rd)


Although the Bible doesn’t blatantly use the words “team” or “teamwork,” I truly believe that team ministry is important and can be found in a variety of Scripture references as well as foundational principles for Christianity. However, for this posting, I have determined that 1 Corinthians 12:20-26 speaks the most significantly to my heart about team ministry. [Read more…]

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A Little Big Conversation

I have learned over the years that I am a talker… Making small-talk, chattering away, sometimes talking very fast dominate my conversations. Fortunately over the years of maturing, I have learned to slow down (a little) and shut up (on occasion… still a work in progress.)

Part of this conversation development over the years has been found in my ability to talk to the Lord. We all have the ability to talk to him any time, any place. Some folks think that it has to be some flowery prayer, with a lot of “thous” and “thees” and “doeth” etc… If that is a comfortable method for you, go for it. But if you are a little more casual, we can have a “normal” and informal conversation. We all can have a personal relationship with Jesus, so it doesn’t have to be showy or involve using the right vocabulary words. [Read more…]

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Deep Fried & Covered in Chocolate

Living in the south makes me hungry! (Can you say Paula Deen??)

Correction…. Living in the United States makes me hungry! (ORDER UP!)

Additional Correction… Living makes me HUNGRY! (Om nom nom)

I love to eat. Maybe you do too. It has evolved from a necessary means of survival to a social event, a cultural experience and and a daily conversation (argument?) among people. “What’s for supper? Where do you want to eat?” Oftentimes, it is a daily battle to stay focused on the “big picture” of staying healthy and eating “properly.” (Let’s be honest… many of us wouldn’t really have an issue with eating fried chicken, mashed potatoes and chocolate cake every day if we knew it wouldn’t lead us down a scary path! If I had the metabolism of a 3 yr old, you bet I would partake!) [Read more…]

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You Got Questions? He’s Got Answers! (Part 1)

Any Family Guy viewers out there? I know, I know… it’s not the most wholesome show on the planet (sometimes I wonder what the writers were thinking) but thanks to my husband’s prodding, I watch it (ok, and almost kinda like it) on occasion. Brandon and I constantly joke about the scene in which Stewie is trying to get Lois’ (his mom) attention. For all of you non-viewers, it goes a lil something like this: [Read more…]

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Now That’s Some Heavy Metal!

When it comes to my iTunes playlist, my iPod, my Pandora account or car radio preset stations, you should know that there is no pattern, rhyme or reason to any of them. People have told me (on more than one occasion) that I have quite an eclectic variety of songs in my collection. I can’t really blame them for the loud exclamations of shock when my computer shuffles from Alison Krause to Asian techno to Broadway show-tunes to christian praise, back to classic country and yes, even over to a collection of heavy metal favorites. [Read more…]

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A Precious Title

NOTE: This was my first ever blog post on my original site… “More Precious Than Rubies.” I (obviously) have since grown and switched things up a bit!


Yes, it is true America– I have joined the blogging world. I have debated for a couple of years about taking this step and kept talking myself out of it. But out of obedience to God per His incessant, um, “nudging” the last several days, here we are.

I will take a few minutes in a subsequent post to give you lovely readers a “life update” to catch you completely up to speed on where I am (Fort Benning, GA) and what I am doing (stuff with things.) This post is to set some context on the title “More Precious than Rubies.” [Read more…]

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