One is Enough: A Personal Reminder

Ministry is HARD. Heck, who I am I kidding– LIFE is hard!! And exhausting. And confusing. Yet depending on how we live our lives– it can be incredibly rewarding.

As I was driving to work yesterday, my heart was heavy… My Facebook ministry page was ticking me off, because FB decided to start filtering who sees what posts. Which means sometimes only 10% of followers will see these posts unless I literally PAY to promote it.

But I digress. SIGH.

I was thinking… “Lord, does this really matter? What am I working for? Is it worth it?” [Read more…]

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Real Time Warriors for Christ (Vlog: Factor of 7)

It has finally happened. I have finally gotten the guts to take a leap in to the “Vlogging” world.

For all of you newbies to the techie world (don’t worry, I only learned the term “vlog” about a month ago) “Vlog” is a simply a video plus a blog. Get it? Vlog. (I think Blideo would have been an interesting choice as a close second for techie terminology.) [Read more…]

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One is Enough

You never know… your ONE act of love might be more than ENOUGH to change someone’s life.

Husbands can be pretty useful creatures. They are great jar-openers, heavy lifters, huggers, patience-builders, grillers, laugh-inducers, Jesus-leaders, eye-roll-causers… You can probably add a few of your own to this list.

Mine, in particular, is a great perspective-keeper.

My beloved helps me to keep things in perspective. He is a great big-picture thinker. (A skill that I sometimes lack.) My type-A firstborn personality lends to me wanting to do BIG things… but He always keeps me grounded and encourages me to keep a clear focus. [Read more…]

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A Latte Love from Fort Benning Bayonet

It’s the big day, folks! The story about our latest “Factor of 7” (Latte Love) where we bought $107 worth of coffee for unsuspecting customers at Starbucks has appeared in the Fort Benning Bayonet. This is truly a blessing from God. AMERICA! [Read more…]

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All We Need is Love… And a Towel

Well, the learnin’ continues in my classes this week… We were charged to respond to the following prompt, regarding our ability to listen, love and represent Christ via servant evangelism… Really got me to thinking and digging deeply into my heart!


In McRaney, page 128 he states “The questions and issues for lost people have changed. I am not sure that we are listening to the questions any longer. Is it possible that in our efforts to communicate we are simply shouting our answers at a higher pitch?” He further states on page 131, “Could it also be true that if we do not love one another, people will struggle to know that we are His disciples? And even worse, whether Jesus is the one real God?” Based on the Servant Evangelism approach, how do you respond to these statements? Do you agree or disagree? [Read more…]

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