Living Dangerous: A New Definition

In a previous life, I liked to play it safe.

Oh, who am I kidding? I STILL like to play it safe. Except when it comes to living for Christ.

I learned quick, fast, and in a hurry, that when we live a dangerous life for Christ, there is no safer place we could be. [Read more…]

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Here’s to Risking Rejection

Ok, peeps. I hope you brought your big girl (or boy) pants. Cuz it’s about to get real all up in here today.

I have dragged my feet writing this post. I have kept a secret locked away deep in my heart, telling only four other living souls. But now, thanks to the continual (loving) prodding from God and my friend Amy’s invitation to link-up and get “risky” in 2014, here goes nothing.

(Wait. I think I need a puke bucket. Nope, false alarm.)

So. Here’s my big secret. My risk. The exciting-terrifying call God has placed on my heart. [Read more…]

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