Know Thyself… Know Him

It will come as no surprise that I am not what most would call a psychologist or philosopher.

Shoot, I’m not really even much of a theologian. From what I know about myself, I am pretty basic Jesus-is-my-Jam-and-I-want-to-teach-others-about-Him kind of gal.

But hey, it does feel pretty cool to use big words at the beginning of a blog post. #MissionAccomplished

Any who, I am not a profound student of ancient Greek, and in all likelihood, you probably aren’t either. However, most of us have heard the phrase “Know Thyself.”  [Read more…]

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Immediate Obedience (and Why it Pays off!)

When it comes to doing the “hard stuff” in life, I would say our society is a bunch of overachievers in the excuse-making-I-will-get-to-it-later category.

Wanna get fit and eat clean? I will start on Monday.

Ready to save some dinero? Maybe next pay period.

Jesus wants us me to do what now? Uh, perhaps when it is less scary/more peaceful season of life/you fill in the blank.

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m totally not judging. Because I do the same thing.  [Read more…]

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Because Jesus Told Me To

You might have noticed that in this current season,  Wednesdays are my days to work toward some super-awesome God-sized dreams. So here is a blast from the past straight from the archives. Enjoy, dear friends… and thanks for the grace. 


People think I am crazy. Hey, sometimes I think I am crazy too. (We have covered this thought in several posts prior to this one.) But sometimes a little crazy is a good thing.

Last week during my quiet time, God led me to the Message version of Philippians 3:13-14. I literally laughed out loud because it reminded me of this ministry.

“I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.” [Read more…]

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Video Blog: Hitting the Mark


We all live for something.

Hopefully, that “something” is God. But sometimes, we get a little bit distracted.

It is rarely intentional and happens over time. Then one day, hypothetically speaking, we are supposed to go for an 11-mile run and Jesus says WHOA.

Totally hypothetical, of course.

Without our knowledge, we have somehow let our compass drift and are a bit off target.

If you find yourself in this place, don’t despair– God will get us there. [Read more…]

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Stay In Step

You might have noticed that Wednesdays are my days to take a breath. To rest. Recharge. To work toward some super-awesome God-sized goals for 2014. So here is a blast from the past straight from the archives. Enjoy, dear friends… and thanks for the grace. 



Click, click, click, click… “One, two, three, four…”

Oh, the glory days of marching band. Now, before you start the cracks about being a band nerd, know that my high school was kinda tiny. Tiny like I graduated with 18 people in my class. And had about 80 people in our entire high school.

Which meant you were either in the band… Or you weren’t. (And seriously– who really wanted to go to an extra study hall? Pshaw.) [Read more…]

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Pobody’s Nerfect (Repost)

Hi friends… No Five Minute Friday today, because our good friend Lisa-Jo Baker is currently celebrating Christmas in South Africa (where she is originally from… How cool is that?!) So in honor of chill-ax Friday in this holiday season, I wanted to share with you an encouraging (and humorous) word about obedience vs. perfection. (Hint: God only asks for one and I bet you can guess.) 


When I was a pre-teen, I spent a few days every now and then working in a little country store back home. Jeanie’s was a tiny place with two booths and a menu that consisted of cold sandwiches or fried food. She also kept in stock the “necessities” for life, including milk, eggs and toilet paper. (Which was really convenient since the nearest town with a “real” grocery store was 20 miles away.)

On the cash register hung a sign with words I remember to this day:

“Pobody’s Nerfect.[Read more…]

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Being the Brand

You recognize them anywhere and their image might conjure up all sorts of feelings in you.

No. I’m not talking about that kid that used to pick on you in elementary school or your high school crush.

I’m referring to a well-marketed brand. You know, like the Nike Swoosh or Twitter’s cartoon bird silhouette or even those magical golden double arches of McDonald’s.

Well guess what? Now 7 Days Time has a brand too! (With fewer calories than Mickey D’s.)  Perhaps you noticed it sprinkled around the last few days– on posts, pages, newsletter emails. [Read more…]

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One is Enough: A Personal Reminder

Ministry is HARD. Heck, who I am I kidding– LIFE is hard!! And exhausting. And confusing. Yet depending on how we live our lives– it can be incredibly rewarding.

As I was driving to work yesterday, my heart was heavy… My Facebook ministry page was ticking me off, because FB decided to start filtering who sees what posts. Which means sometimes only 10% of followers will see these posts unless I literally PAY to promote it.

But I digress. SIGH.

I was thinking… “Lord, does this really matter? What am I working for? Is it worth it?” [Read more…]

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My Dirty Word

Confession: Getting your mouth washed out with soap tastes like…


I know this for a fact thanks to my slight potty mouth when I was growing up. It wasn’t a rampant problem, but would often happen at the most inopportune times.

And by inopportune, I really mean the times that my Mom would hear it.

Then out came the bar of soap. (Or, if it was a REALLY bad word, enter sink left the liquid Dial soap. Ever try to get that off your tongue? Yeah, um yuck?) [Read more…]

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Opposition & Obedience

“Hi. My name is Sharita, and I have issues with obedience.”

(Insert chorus of “HI SHARITA” here.)

Sigh. Maybe I’m the only one… But my stubborn, driven nature sure provides opposition to my call to be obedient to the Lord.

I’m dealing with that right now. The seasons of our life in our family are changing and I think I am in denial. I had a good groove going, and now God is shaking up my little snow globe life, changing things all around.

I don’t mind change. I really don’t. Only I was really digging the chug-a-lug of the way things were.

However, He’s calling me out. And as I try to listen, I am faced with opposition from a variety of directions. Here’s a little opposition list, in no particular order. [Read more…]

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