The Difference between Grilling Steak & Working for Jesus

In college, I took a Meat Science class. (Don’t freak out… I was an animal science major at Kansas State…)

I learned a lot of interesting things in that class, most of which I have (unfortunately) not retained long term. HOWEVER, there is one statement from our rather feisty-old-man-professor Dr. Hunt that I will never forget.

We were talking about the different “doneness” of meat, specifically steak. He told us this, which has since stuck in my brain for nearly a decade: [Read more…]

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One is Enough: A Personal Reminder

Ministry is HARD. Heck, who I am I kidding– LIFE is hard!! And exhausting. And confusing. Yet depending on how we live our lives– it can be incredibly rewarding.

As I was driving to work yesterday, my heart was heavy… My Facebook ministry page was ticking me off, because FB decided to start filtering who sees what posts. Which means sometimes only 10% of followers will see these posts unless I literally PAY to promote it.

But I digress. SIGH.

I was thinking… “Lord, does this really matter? What am I working for? Is it worth it?” [Read more…]

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One is Enough

You never know… your ONE act of love might be more than ENOUGH to change someone’s life.

Husbands can be pretty useful creatures. They are great jar-openers, heavy lifters, huggers, patience-builders, grillers, laugh-inducers, Jesus-leaders, eye-roll-causers… You can probably add a few of your own to this list.

Mine, in particular, is a great perspective-keeper.

My beloved helps me to keep things in perspective. He is a great big-picture thinker. (A skill that I sometimes lack.) My type-A firstborn personality lends to me wanting to do BIG things… but He always keeps me grounded and encourages me to keep a clear focus. [Read more…]

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Jesus Caffeine

What gets you up out of the bed in the morning?

I am sure many of my more cynical or sarcastic readers would say “My stinkin’ alarm clock” or “That job I committed to working at” or “My extremely motivated 3-year-old child.” PerhapsĀ I should rephrase that…

So… What gets you excited and happily out of bed in the morning?

What are the things that you could stay up late, get up early and spend hours talking about? [Read more…]

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A Heart of Ministry

NEWSFLASH: Being a “minister” can be draining.

Notice that I put the word minister in quotation marks. Those aren’t sarcasm quotes… but what I like to call flexibility quotation marks. Before you completely check out, you should know that YOU are a minister too.

“Whoa, woman. Back the God truck up. I don’t work in a church. I didn’t go to seminary.” That might be true, but I assure you that you have ministered to people– maybe even today. [Read more…]

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