Building a Christ-Like Marriage: Have Fun!

I used to be quite the fun-lover.

Please notice the operative phrase there: “Used to be.”

Growing up, I was also ready for an adventure, be it catching frogs in the pond or swimming in the stock tank. In college, I was usually the first one loaded in the car when somebody said “road trip” and thoroughly enjoyed spontaneous escapades of fun.

Even when Barn and I were dating and first married, fun was easy to come by.

And then… Life happened. [Read more…]

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Building a Christ-Like Marriage: Our Source of Happiness

Christlike marriage

If you ask most people what the happiest day of their life was, I am willing to bet a majority will answer:

1. The day our kid(s) was born.


2. The day we got married.

How sweet. How romantic. How dangerous.  [Read more…]

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Building a Christ-Like Marriage: Let’s get Physical

In college, we used to have a saying:

“It’s only weird if you make it weird. So don’t make it weird, OK?”

And that is going to be the slogan for today’s blog post. Because as we discuss the building blocks of creating a Christ-like marriage, we really can’t leave out the, um, errr, ahem… Physical part.

See, there I go. Making it weird before we even get this party started. [Read more…]

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Building a Christ-Like Marriage: Figure out Finances

Over the years, I have had several best friends.

Some were just for a season, like during high school, college or for a specific duty station. Others have lasted through the years. They have lived in a variety of states and been at different stages of life.

And for the last several years I have had a best friend in Brandon, my beloved husband.

It’s great.

But there is always one sneaky little heifer that tries to wedge her way into our relationship:

MONEY. [Read more…]

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Building a Christ-Like Marriage: Communication

Miscommunication. It is one of those seemingly insignificant aspects of our life that remains insignificant until it actually happens and you and your spouse are engaged in a no-rules-who-will-tap-out-first-cage-match situation.

Not that I would know, of course. I mean, Brandon and I communicate perfectly. Flawlessly. We communicate so well, it is practically an art form in our house.

OR NOT.  [Read more…]

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Building a Christ-Like Marriage: A Heart of Sacrifice

I used to be quite the Bible scoffer.

Yes, you read that right. Bible scoffer. Not Bible beater or Bible reader– Bible Scoffer.

When I first started legitimately walking with Christ as an adult, I can remember ever-so-vividly scoffing, yes, audibly– out loud with a deep raspy throat sound– about any verses that dealt with husband-wife submission and sacrifice.  I can go to the bookshelf right now and show you the exact page where I wrote in my journal 1 Peter 3:1 about “wives, submit to your husband.” It was day two of Brandon and I doing bible study together in our relationship. My words were full of ME, not him. [Read more…]

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Building a Christ-like Marriage: The Foundation

Marriage. What a blessed, challenging and complicated aspect of life.

One that I personally believe is well-worth discussing, especially from a Christian perspective.

So that is we are going to do… Today begins a new series called “Building a Christ-Like Marriage.” Each week we will be discussing a different component of marriage and how it make it the holiest it can be. [Read more…]

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