The (Real) Rich Life


Some days I daydream about money.

It’s nothing TOO serious, just me imagining what I would spend the dinero on if it suddenly showed up in excess. Silly things, really. Fitness gadgets. Inky pens. Journals. A fancy, customized new Bible. Buying all of my friends their favorite lunch/flowers/gift just because it’s Thursday.

I recently saw a comic floating around on Facebook that had a person in a church praying. The speech bubble said, “Please Lord, let me prove to you that winning the lottery won’t ruin my life.” #UmYesPlease [Read more…]

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Bad things. Good People. Great God.

In lieu of the holiday season, I am taking a quick breather (for a couple of weeks) from cranking out lots of fresh material. There will still be blogs posted, some new, some reposts. Like this one. I pray it speaks to your heart today!


I have heard this phrase in many conversations. I have witnessed it on Facebook statuses. I have even seen it on a billboard.

“Why do bad things happen to good people?”

That is a good question. And a tough one at that. I’m not gonna get all theological on you today (my brain isn’t quite up for that level of discussion) but I think that “Bad things” happen to “Good people” due to sin. [Read more…]

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A Lifestyle Fashion Statement

You might have noticed that in this current season,  Wednesdays are my days to work toward some super-awesome God-sized dreams. So here is a blast from the past straight from the archives. Enjoy, dear friends… and thanks for the grace. 


Hmmm… Ok… Should I wear my favorite blue shirt? Or maybe the one with pink stripes? If I do, maybe I could go with the hoop earrings? Or should I be dressier? Ok, let’s do the blue shirt with silver dangly earrings and my cross necklace. There. Decision made.

Oh wait. My blue shirt is in the dirty laundry. Sigh. Let’s try this again.

I am certainly not the most fashionable person on the planet—far from it, actually. I dress decent enough to get by, and if I really need to, can groom and clean up reasonably well. I’m not a girl who has to wear make up every time I leave the house and if you see me at the gym wearing mascara, you can assume that it is leftover from an event earlier in the day. [Read more…]

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In Ready Position

You might have noticed that in this current season,  Wednesdays are my days to work toward some super-awesome God-sized dreams. So here is a blast from the past straight from the archives. Enjoy, dear friends… and thanks for the grace. 


I never really liked gym class. No offense to any gym teachers out there, but I rarely looked forward to gym, especially during that middle school phase…

Each day when I was down in the musty locker room changing my clothes, my heart would start to pound as I thought about what activity awaited me at the top of the stairs. One of the most dreaded gym sessions of the year? Basketball.

To this day, I still can’t do a lay-up with good form or dribble down the court without “traveling.” It’s not that I didn’t try– I just was never very good. I was THAT kid– you know the one– the kid that always got hit in the face with the ball. (Don’t believe me? I once got my lip split open by a ping pong ball. My face naturally attracted flying objects. It’s science.) [Read more…]

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Speak Life (Video Blog)

How often do we really stop and think about the words we are saying?

I know it is a habit I need to do more… And not just the words, but the tone. You might recall that my Lent experience this year was to give up grumbling and complaining. However, I realized quick, fast and in a hurry that it was going to take more than 40ish days to kick that habit.

So I continue to press forward in watching my words. And today’s video blog is all about encouraging others and truly speaking life. Take a look.

If you are reading via email, click here to watch the video.

So… what are your thoughts? How do you feel when someone speaks life to you? How often do you do that to others? I would love to hear from you… speak up and join the conversation by leaving a comment.

Friends, our words have SUCH power. The Bible addresses this in several different places and context. And apparently this is still something I need to work on because Great Grandma Thrasher’s day-by-day calendar that sits on the kitchen window ledge said this today: “Be careful how you handle your words, for they have more power than an atom bomb.”

(OK, Jesus. You have my attention.)

Take this challenge to intentionally speak life to those around you. Because when we speak life, we gain life.

And there is nothing greater to gain than life in Christ.

Speaking Life from Him,

Initials Signature Blog

“The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” ~Proverbs 12:18

PS: Click here to listen to the legit TobyMac version of “Speak Life.” It is much, much better than my rendition, I promise.

Linking up today with Jen at Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood, Hazel via  Tell Me a Story and Jennifer Dukes Lee over at #TellHisStory. Be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up  community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday!

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My iPod & God

“SIGGGGHHHH… Where in the name of all things covered in chocolate is my iPod?!?”

I have to be honest with you, dear readers. Usually I am pretty on top of things. Although my personality (sanguine) tends to be easily distracted by the bright and shiny, one of my spiritual gifts is administration, which helps me to be super organized. (Thanks for that divine, life-saving combo, Jesus!)

But occasionally, especially when I am tired or overly squirrelly, my sanguine brain reigns (say that five times fast) and I misplace things. [Read more…]

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Think “Fast” (7 Experiment, Week 1)

It has been one week of eating only eggs, chicken, bread, apples, sweet potatoes, avocado, and spinach. That’s right folks. I’m eating only 7 foods for thirty days.

If you missed last week’s entry about this fast, let me catch you up. (Or you can click here to read the entire post.) My beloved hubby and I are fasting for 30 days by only eating 7 different foods. Only water to drink. No seasonings other than salt, pepper, olive oil (sparingly) and cooking spray.  This concept is inspired by Jen Hatmaker’s book “7: The Experimental Mutiny Against Excess.” In short, it has two main purposes: to seek after God at a deeper level and to restore a heart of gratitude for all the incredible choices we have in this world. [Read more…]

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Sometimes Flat Isn’t All That

“Hey, what do you want to drink?”

“Hmm… I will take a glass of Diet Dr. Pepper.”

“Ok, coming up.”

“Thanks…(gulp) OH YUCK. IT’S FLAT.”

We’ve all been there. We wait in anticipation for our favorite carbonated beverage only to be disappointed to realize all the fizz has departed long ago. Blah. The same goes for stale chips or popcorn. What a let down. Sigh. [Read more…]

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A Lifestyle Fashion Statement

Hmmm… Ok… Should I wear my favorite blue shirt? Or maybe the one with pink stripes? If I do, maybe I could go with the hoop earrings? Or should I be dressier? Ok, let’s do the blue shirt with silver dangly earrings and my cross necklace. There. Decision made.

Oh wait. My blue shirt is in the dirty laundry. Sigh. Let’s try this again.

I am certainly not the most fashionable person on the planet—far from it, actually. I dress decent enough to get by, and if I really need to, can groom and clean up reasonably well. I’m not a girl who has to wear make up every time I leave the house and if you see me at the gym wearing mascara, you can assume that it is leftover from an event earlier in the day. [Read more…]

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God Only Knows Where We’d Be

I was never a crier. I was the tough girl. I once went through an entire semester at college without crying.

And then I fell in love. With a soldier. And with Jesus.

At one point in my life, my heart was hardened. I was not compassionate and completely confident that I could make “it” on my own. Tears were not an issue. I had it together.

And then I feel in love. With a soldier. And with Jesus. [Read more…]

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