My Joy Thermometer

Nearly three years ago, when my tiny human was born and subsequently made me into a Mama, I doubted my abilities in all things child-rearing.

How will I know what she needs? When does she need to eat again? How much tummy time is enough? Can you have too much tummy time? And the biggest one…

How will I know when she is sick!?!?

I had always admired moms who could take one look at a tiny to medium sized-human, raise their eyebrows, place their palm on the little human’s head and say, “Yep. Got a fever.”

I tried to adopt that same suave, confident attitude of fever diagnosis growing up, practicing on myself when I was under the weather and even other people (especially my little brother who is 12 years younger than me.)

But it was always fruitless. I couldn’t tell the difference between a normal-temped kid versus one that was two degrees this side of the sun.

The only fever I knew about was the one that needed more cowbell. #SNLreference [Read more…]

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A Long-Awaited Vacation

I have been blogging nearly three years.

In those three years, I have only taken more than a day off or so at a time twice: Once when I got crazy sick with pneumonia when I was preggo then last year for a few days when we were moving 4000 miles across the country with a tiny dog and brand-new-baby human.

It’s been an intense yet blessed three years.

So I am finally taking a vacation. For the next two weeks, I shall be hanging out with Jesus (and family) to recharge my brain, heart and typing fingers. [Read more…]

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Comfort from Community (Five Minute Friday)

Good morning, America! (Or should I say “world?” Fun fact: 7 Days Time ministry has grown and we actually have legit and semi-regular readers in other countries. Thanks for that one, Jesus!)

Anywho, today is one of my favorite blogging days of the week. That’s right– it’s Five Minute Friday. Top three reasons why its my fav?

  1. Less pressure to get it right (or at least “perfect”)
  2. It is a great conditioning tool and change of pace from normal posts (AKA: I write for 5 minutes flat… and don’t have to come up with a topic of my own)
  3. It’s on Friday. So what’s not to love??

Every week, I link up with The Gypsy Mama… She gives us a prompt, then we go to town with our writing. Today’s prompt: “COMMUNITY.” 

Annndddd GO! [Read more…]

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Joy in the Mourning

It’s the day after Easter, folks… This means that in addition to Easter candy going on sale today (YAY!) and most church workers being tired after working like crazy yesterday, lent has ended for another year.

What did your 40 days bring? Mine were… um… profound. [Read more…]

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Creatively Crafty

I am not a crafty person. I don’t mean the kind of sneak-crafty but I rather Pinterest crafty. Unless God Himself comes down from heaven and suddenly blesses me to paint neatly and draw straight lines, you will never see any of my “work” on Pinterest (or any other cute-crafting site for that matter.)

For some of you who know me well, you might dispute the claim above. But let me clarify– while I am not crafty– I am creative. I do believe there is a big difference. In my case, I can use limited resources to reach a goal in a unique way… but that doesn’t involve crafting a super cute wreath that anyone would ever want to hang on their front door. [Read more…]

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Fresh Cut of Joy

Annnddd… It’s Monday.

Before you pull a Garfield the Cat move by grabbing a big pan of lasagna, pulling the covers back over your head and muttering “I hate Mondays!” hang with me for just a second.

I’m not a big fan of Mondays either. I have grown to tolerate them, but honestly, what choice did I have? (Turns out employers are not super big supporters of employees who desire to boycott Mondays on a weekly basis. Just kidding.) I have learned to embrace Mondays (and every other day for that matter) because I seek to find new, fresh little cuts of joy in everything around me. [Read more…]

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