A Simple Gift… In case you forgot

I LOVE getting gifts. Even more so– I love giving gifts. Although it’s not my primary love language– sometimes it sneaks its way to the top. And over the last year and a half or so of blogging and doing online ministry (time flies!) we have continually mentioned God’s great gifts– big and small. (In fact, I continue to work on my 1000 gift list inspired by Ann Voskamp’s book. As of this post, I am over 1500 and still going strong!)

The other day, I was digging through some of my archived blogs– and ran across this one. It made me laugh– and encouraged my heart… so I though that re-sharing it was in order.

I pray it speaks to you– so read, share, comment, enjoy. You know the drill.

Oh– and thanks for being such a blessing and gift in MY life, dear reader! [Read more…]

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Factor of 7: Barrett Keene & Go Walk America

I remember when I first met Barrett Keene.

It was May 2002. (UG. That was nearly 10 years ago. HOW did we get this old?) I had just finished my sophomore year of high school My friend Melissa and I were sitting in McCain Auditorium in Manhattan, Kansas at  State FFA convention. Some dude poked his head into our row and  started a conversation. [Read more…]

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A Simple Gift… That means so much!

We have been talking about gifts lately.

Gifts can come in many, many forms from that engagement ring promising a lifetime of commitment to that forced smile when we open up a “fashionable” sweater from Grandma. God’s gifts also come in many shapes, sizes and colors…

I ran across the following a few weeks ago when working on a project for church and was reminded of it today. The Lord loved us enough to create laughter and allow us to feel joy in our heart. (That’s a gift) He has also given us GRACE. (There’s another one) Sometimes he combines them. (My favorite gift! ) [Read more…]

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