My Fitness Journey: From Defeated & Discouraged to Hopeful & Healthy

Well, my friends. Tomorrow is my birthday. And I turn 33. #YayYikes

I don’t mind birthdays. And I don’t think there is really anything extra significant about turning 33.

Except this year, God has been on the move. A lot. 

Actually, He has been at work hardcore for the last 11 years. Actually, most of my life.

But I digress.

This year was a year of freedom. Of breakthrough. And so I want to share my story and celebrate it. (This is probably going to be a long-ish post. So get comfortable). #YouveBeenWarned

I do not write this post as “WOW, look at me! I’ve arrived!” Because I haven’t. Not hardly. I absolutely celebrate the victories large and small that I have conquered through the years, but even more so, I rejoice that God was behind every mile ran, every pound/inch lost, every reset moment, every positive food choice.

I also do not compose this blog as a weight-loss how to. This is about my spiritual journey more than anything. Yes, I know (in my head) that God loves me no matter my pant size or that pesky number on my scale. (He loves you too, BTW). I know (in my head) that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I am beautiful, etc.   This is my journey of getting my heart to really believe those truths and LIVE them out. To live as a Jesus girl capable of victory in this area of my life. To be able to go to the doctor’s office and not be completely terrified of what the scale is going to say. To turn to God instead of the fridge when things in life get stressful.

I’m still learning more and more about WHO I am and WHOSE I am. I have Jesus-gut feeling that this will probably be a lifetime process.

And so, here’s my fitness story and how God has transformed me from feeling defeated and discouraged to hopeful and healthy. [Read more…]

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Prayer Run, Week #3

God is funny. Just when I think I have Him all figured out, He changes things up again. (At least he is keeping me on my toes!)

If you are just joining us, I have been taking prayer requests and running one mile per request, praying for the duration of said mile. I just completed Week #3, which really poured over into like Week #4.5. (Catch up on my previous prayer runs #1 and #2.

This time, I took requests and didn’t receive as many on Facebook. I thought that maybe it was the opportunity to take things a bit slower fitness-wise that week.

Until I checked Instagram.

Holy Macaroni and Cheese, friends! So. Many. Requests. (Hence why it spilled over into an extra week and a half).

This prayer walk run totaled 39 miles, mostly from complete strangers! Awesome. (And a little exhausting, but mostly awesome)

Prayer Walk Note: I write initials (for confidentiality sake) of prayer requestees on my left arm so I don’t have to carry a piece of paper or constantly be looking at my phone. However, I’m left handed, so when writing with my right hand, so please forgive the sketchy penmanship.

Friends, if you have a prayer request, please send it to me via email via or submit it here. You can also leave your request in the comments below or send me a personal message on Facebook. 

Praying for God’s glory,



“And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.” ~1 John 5:15

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Mile 20.5 (and how to conquer it)

About three years ago at this time, I was training to run my first (and only) full marathon.

This was DEFINITELY a God thing, kind of another one of those “impossible” experiences He asked me to pursue. I learned A LOT , and some days I still question if I really did finish (I did. And didn’t actually meet Jesus that day. Although it felt a little touch-and-go at times).

Now that I’m back to running again, and it is actually FUN (what?!?!) for me and a form of stress relief, I was remembering that crazy marathon training experience. [Read more…]

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Impossibly Possible

I don’t like to “fail.” But really, who does? And after 3+ years of trying, yesterday I FINALLY accomplished something I envisioned as impossible.

I confess I lived a good chunk of my life trying to play it safe. If I couldn’t do something perfectly, I would find a way to skip it all together and seek to excel in an area where I knew I could achieve near perfection (in my own strength.)

It was an EXHAUSTING way to live! I felt like something was missing, but I was scared to go to church. What if the Pastor said “Turn to Galatians” but the people around me saw that I didn’t know where that was?!?

I believed that lie of needing to be perfect for waaaayyy too long.

So I decided to follow Jesus, stumbling in the right (ish-most-of-the-time) direction.

The physical health aspect of my life was similar. I ate as a form of control and semi-rebellion growing up. I was very overweight but getting healthy seemed way beyond me, so I always said, “Maybe later.” It seemed impossible so why even try?

Until 11 years ago. About the same time I started actively seeking Jesus, something shifted in my heart. I started to make some different choices in an effort to take care of my body.

I had to keep me eyes focused on what God was doing in me. Not how fit my best friend was or how easily someone else lost weight. Not how fast my now-husband runs or how much someone on Facebook can deadlift.

It was about my journey. Seeking to let God accomplish what I envisioned as completely impossible in my life.

I was still afraid of failing. I used the word “IF” as my perfection caveat. Now, I seek to find the balance of grace and obedience, because IF is no way to live. “If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”” (Mark‬ ‭9:23‬)

So yes. After more than 3 years of trying, falling short, then pushing it to the back burner of my Fitness Bucket List, I was able to pass the Army PT test! (No, I’m not joining the army…)

The 2-mile run, from a girl who just a few short years ago couldn’t/wouldn’t run more than a quarter mile without wheezing or wanting to cry. The push-ups, which just a few months ago I couldn’t do a single one on my toes with proper form. Th sit-ups, when beforehand it made my entire body tired just trying.

God has and continues to accomplish the impossible in my life. I give Him all the glory and celebrate the daily victories, no matter how great or small. I invite you to do the same.

It’s not about perfection, my friends. It’s about progress. Here’s to living in the light of His grace and inviting Him to do “impossible” things in our everyday.

In Him we can,



“Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”” ~Luke 18:27

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Prayer Walk, Week #2

Well, my friends… All I have to say about this new Prayer Run/Walk Project is that you all are determined to keep me moving toward my fitness goals!

You might recall that God recently nudged me to start doing Prayer Run/Walks every other week. Basically, I send out the call for prayer requests, you submit them, and I dedicate one mile per person to praying.

Week #2 once again delivered the volume AND quality of requests. I prayed for 21 total miles, which broke down into one 4-miler, four 5ks, and one 10k.

Prayer Walk Note: I write initials (for confidentiality sake) of prayer requestees on my left arm so I don’t have to carry a piece of paper or constantly be looking at my phone. However, I’m left handed, so when writing with my right hand, so please forgive the sketchy penmanship.

One thing I have already discovered about these prayer walk/runs… I love them. It is such a cool experience to pray for you, even if we have never met in real life. Also, it makes the miles fly by (especially since I don’t use music, podcasts, etc on prayer miles– just praying). AND it has already deepened my prayer life, since I do not naturally have the gift of praying as a first line of defense in need or crisis (I DO pray, but it isn’t a natural thing… but it is becoming more naturally as I practice it!)

Oh, and it’s unbelievably encouraging to hear the fruit God is producing from these requests… I love hearing how God is at work in your lives and it makes me want to run more and more for His glory!

Friends, if you have a prayer request, please send it to me via email via or submit it here. You can also leave your request in the comments below or send me a personal message on Facebook. 

I will be going on these Prayer walk/runs every other week and it would be an absolute privilege to pray for you. Every mile is for God’s glory!



“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” ~2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV

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If You are Gonna Run In Texas…

Over the last seven (!?!?) years since answering the call to ministry, the Lord has taught me many life lessons, from being less “flakey” (literally) with my faith, to seeking Jesus in my Everyday. 

This last year, He has really been teaching me a lot of things in the health, food and fitness realm. Recently, I learned that yes, if you are gonna run in Texas, do it before it gets to hot… Or you won’t just be running to bring Jesus glory, you will be running and feel like you are going to meet him too (and I don’t mean in a “good” way like on-the-road-to-Damascus-life-changing kind of way… More like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego furnace kind of way.)

So here are a few reflections on my way-too-late-start-4-mile run from a while back.

 1. West Texas is beautiful.
2. But SO hot.
3. This run would have been completely glorious if I was able to start three hours earlier. 
4. But I have Tiny Humans.
5. Left side pic is before, feeling like a happy, sparkling ray of Texas Sunshine. Right pic is after, so grateful to be off the Hot Mess Express and back in the air conditioning of the car.
6. The first half of the run was so wonderful.
7. Because, as I realized on my way back to the car, going out was downhill.
8. I need to start running with a full camelbak of water because the piddly bottles on my running belt are not enough.
9. El Paso makes me appreciate even lukewarm water to drink. (It was ice cold when I started).
10. I’ve never been more thankful for mountain breeze.
11. Apparently, I was visually struggling the last quarter mile because a random stranger saw me checking my running watch and said “Parking lot is right there. You are almost done!”
12. It was still a great run and so glad I went.
13. Now, to shower. Because I think I smell…

So now you might be saying, “Cool story, bro.” What’s all this have to do with following Jesus.

Well, I am SO glad you asked.

1.  Following Jesus can be a simultaneously wonderful yet hard, exhausting experience. I think many believers are convinced that when they say YES to the Lord, that their life will automatically be sunshine, rainbows and puppy dog tails. But looking at accounts throughout the Bible, that’s not true.

2. It will sometimes feel like it’s all uphill work.

3. You might sweat… Physically, emotionally, spiritually.

4. But every step is purposeful.

5. It’s not always going to be pretty. I shared the before/after picture of my run so people don’t think I’m one of those always-put-together runners with lipstick and a glittery hat (although research indicates that glitter/fun lips makes a person run faster. And by research, I mean my personal opinion that has no scientific basis whatsoever). Authentic faith is real and can get a little messy.

6. It’s encouraged to always start sooner than later.

7. After fighting the good fight of faith and making it to the end of our journey, there is SUCH victory! Of course, I write this on faith and spiritual speculation, but considering how great sitting down in the air conditioning feels post Texas run, I’m sure crossing the threshold to heaven and hearing “Well done, my good and faithful servant” is simply no comparison!

So keep running, my friends. Even if your steps are heavy and you have slowed to what feels like barely more than a crawl. Keep going, even if you cannot yet see the finish line.

Christ will empower you and carry you. He will refresh you as the Living Water. He will give you rest. Keep moving forward toward Him, because his love is cooler than the Texas temperature and wider than the Texas landscape.



“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.” ~1 Corinthians 9:24-25

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Prayer Walk, Week #1

I’m not gonna lie. (Well, obviously, I wouldn’t lie to you. Because I like you. And I’ve heard lying is a no-no with Jesus).

Anywho. I’m not gonna lie, I am often on the lookout for ways to make life more efficient and work smarter instead of harder.

I always love it when God gets right down in there with me and inspires a pretty cool thought.

A couple weeks ago, I was having what I will call a “twitchy” Saturday. For the last several years, I’ve tried to make working out a priority, not only because it’s good for my body whose life motto seems to be “STORE FAT, MAKE BABIES” (it didn’t get the memo that particular ship has sailed), but also because those feel-good-endorphins greatly reduce my heifer-like attitude factor.

(Last I checked, nobody likes hanging out with a heifer. And without those endorphins to work out my stress, that can be like a thing).

That particular “twitchy” Saturday, my workout had not yet happened. (I try to exercise earlier in the day, again to manage all things heifer-ish). But circumstances just didn’t allow it. So I finally got to run, er, lovingly depart from my familia for my workout late in the afternoon.

I wasn’t in the mood to run, so I parked at the parade field and walked. I had felt that God was stirring something up but wasn’t sure what that looked like.

By the time my three miles concluded, He had given me the answer: Go on a prayer walk (which has eventually led to recharging 7DT blog).

So, I put the call out to you lovely 7 Days Time fans and followers on Facebook. My original no-plan-plan was to go on a long walk/run, no more than 10 miles, with each request equaling one mile.

Surely with the wonky Facebook algorithms and the small number of people who see my posts, I wouldn’t get more than 10 prayer requests in just a couple of days, right?

Yeah. You hear that? That’s Jesus laughing as He watches the replay of the latest episode of Sharita’s submission to Jesus Funniest Videos.

In just a couple of days, I got 24 prayer requests. TWENTY-FOUR. Many of those requests were from complete strangers which honestly is pretty cool. But TWENTY-FOUR.

Even though I love Jesus very much, I didn’t actually want to MEET Him on the day of my long walk/run. So I split it up into four 5Ks and a half-marathon. And lived to tell about it.

Here’s how it broke down… (Note: I write initials of prayer requestees on my left arm so I don’t have to carry a piece of paper or constantly be looking at my phone. However, I’m left handed, so when writing with my right hand = please forgive the sketchy penmanship).

Friends, if you have a prayer request, please send it to me via email via or submit it here. You can also leave your request in the comments below or send me a personal message on Facebook. 

I will be going on these Prayer walk/runs every other week and it would be an absolute privilege to pray for you. Every mile is for God’s glory!


“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” ~Acts 20:24

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Whole30: Week #6 Reflection

Another legit week of doing this Whole30 gig… Once again, food was pretty tasty and I had some cool Non-scale victories (Read on for more.)

Weekly Ranking (1-10)

Felt pretty good and I was grateful to have time to food prep adequately last week. I tried a couple of new recipes (which were a success) and minus a few moments of tiredness (something about having two kids, doing the ministry/educational things I do and a my hubs continually intense work schedule I think…

On My Menu

I kind of “created” a Cauliflower pizza casserole– and it was uber tasty. I’ve attempted actual cauliflower pizza a few times, but can never get the “crust” correct– so this time I just made it into a casserole since I knew I had to eat it with a fork anyways. Still tastes just as good and a whole lot less time consuming. Also, it converted into a pretty tasty breakfast dish halfway through the week by tossing a couple of over-easy eggs on top if it.

Also, I busted out the avocados this week (for some reason I haven’t been capitalizing on them much.) I had toad-in-a-hole for breakfast one day, then made some guacamole to go with my prosciutto-wrapped beef/veggie egg muffins (don’t be intimidated by the name… I just used the Prosciutto as  the muffin “liner” and scrambled some eggs with part of the cooked ground beef/bell peppers that I was using for Cauliflower pizza casserole. Easy peasy.

Oh, and taco salad– AH-MAZ-ING! I had cilantro-lime cauliflower “rice” for the first time and seriously– I bet if you didn’t tell a non-whole30er about it, they wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.


I got a chance this week to do some “benchmark” workouts to see if/how I have physically improved since starting Whole30. Well, let’s just say it was super encouraging! I improved my 2-min time limit sit-ups by 8, push-ups by 5 and (get this!) I took a whopping 3 min 4 seconds off my 2 mile run time! I am being realistic knowing that I likely will not be taking that much time off in future months per-chunk, but definitely a (huge!) step in the right direction. Thank you, Jesus.


Nothing too major to report here– there were a few nights that I really wanted to just grab something on the way home, but the fact that I had food ready and waiting for me in the fridge was a huge keep-me-accountable factor. (Again, the major importance of food prep!) Also, I had a few anxiety flare ups (Charis briefly had a headache/fever thing going on for like a day and, like a moron, I googled her symptoms. #WhenWillILearn #UG) Brandon’s super intense schedule/long hours/non-sleepingness wasn’t helpful… So I had some lightening cravings of “I WANT SUGAR” or something to make me “feel better” but thankfully, knowing that I needed to remain accountable to our Facebook Group AND Jesus kept me on the straight and narrow.

Tweaks for Next Week

I really don’t think I have much that I am doing differently– Kroger Clicklist is still my BFF in this season and splitting up food prep over a couple of days has been really helpful and less frantic/stressful. Also, I have yet to get sick of Madras Chicken Salad… Pretty sure I’ve eaten 5 out of the last six weeks for lunch.

So friends– until next week– stay strong!

To the Glory of God alone,



“I spread out my hands to you; I thirst for you like a parched land.” ~Psalm 143:6

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Whole30: Weeks 4 & 5 (Month #1) Reflection

You know, after all this time of following Jesus, I really shouldn’t be so surprised with Him. But alas, He keeps rocking my world.

I have completed a full month of Whole30 lifestyle (again) and couldn’t be more pleased. Probably the greatest revelation I’ve had in the last couple weeks was this thought: “I am so freaking busy right now. WHY did I decide to do Whole30?!?!” Which was immediately followed by:“I’ve needed more energy, contentment and legit-Jesus attitude more in the last month than I have in a very long time. I don’t NOT have time to keep this up!”  [Read more…]

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Whole30: Week #3 Reflection

Ah, another week of eating well and chowing down on all of those awesome Whole Foods… And I have to say, I think it’s my best week yet! #ThankYouTigerBlood

Weekly Ranking (1-10)

Pretty great week! My body is now realizing, “Oh hey… THIS is what we need to function!” and I feel good physically AND emotionally (see below for victories.) Overall, I’ve been less of a jerkface to the people in my life (aka, husband and Tiny Humans) and already experiencing more joy. (Seriously, I still can’t believe that’s a non-scale victory that can come from our food!)  [Read more…]

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