Cool story, Bro.

Our first dance started out all sweet and romantical… Then we busted out the salsa. With maracas. Seriously. I guess you had to be there.

You might have noticed that Wednesdays are my days to take a breath. To rest. Recharge. To work toward some super-awesome God-sized goals for 2014. So here is a blast from the past straight from the archives. Enjoy, dear friends… and thanks for the grace. 


“DUDE! It was awesome! There was like this guy and these three girls, and they sang some stuff, and then the stage lit up and sparks showered from the ceiling.”

Ever tried to share an incredible story or experience with someone and you are met with a dumbfounded look of incomprehension? When that happens in our household, my husband often says “Huh. Cool story, bro.” (Even though I’m not his bro. I’m his wife. But that’s besides the point.) [Read more…]

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Cool story, Bro.

Our first dance started out all sweet and romantical… Then we busted out the salsa. With maracas. Seriously. I guess you had to be there.

“DUDE! It was awesome! There was like this guy and these three girls, and they sang some stuff, and then the stage lit up and sparks showered from the ceiling.”

Ever tried to share an incredible story or experience with someone and you are met with a dumbfounded look of incomprehension? When that happens in our household, my husband often says “Huh. Cool story, bro.” (Even though I’m not his bro. I’m his wife. But that’s besides the point.) [Read more…]

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Lord, Thank You for the Socks (Five Minute Friday: Expectation)

Come one, come all!
The time is here once again,
To bust out a Five Minute Friday post,
With all our online friends!

Linking up with The Gypsy Mama,
We get only five minutes to write,
Our urge to over think and edit,
We must honestly fight.

She has given us a prompt,
So without further ado,
Let’s get to crack-a-lacking,
What are we waiting for, hop to!

Today’s prompt: EXPECTATION

GO! [Read more…]

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A Latte Love (Factor of 7)

Yesterday at 5:45am, my phone alarm went off. But unlike other days as of late, I had NO problem bounding out of bed.

It was time for third month of Factor of 7. I was so excited about it, I woke up three times throughout the night to make sure I hadn’t overslept for our Jesus adventure.

As I write this, I can’t tell if my excited jitters are from the skinny caramel macchiato I had or the remnants of our Starbucks Factor of 7. (Talk about some legit Jesus Caffeine!) [Read more…]

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Dive In & Just Keep Swimming

My heart was pounding. The sun was beating down on the back of my neck. My little feet left wet footprints on the warm concrete. I shivered… from the gentle Kansas breeze or nerves, I couldn’t tell. I approached my target. Breath. Step. Breath. Step. Breath. Step.

The higher I climbed, the harder my heart pounded. I reached the top and peered down to the deep blue water. My Mama was looking up at me, her hands shielding her eyes from the sun, watching my every move. I inched slowly to the end of the board. Then I turned around, heading back towards the ladder. [Read more…]

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Fresh Cut of Joy

Annnddd… It’s Monday.

Before you pull a Garfield the Cat move by grabbing a big pan of lasagna, pulling the covers back over your head and muttering “I hate Mondays!” hang with me for just a second.

I’m not a big fan of Mondays either. I have grown to tolerate them, but honestly, what choice did I have? (Turns out employers are not super big supporters of employees who desire to boycott Mondays on a weekly basis. Just kidding.) I have learned to embrace Mondays (and every other day for that matter) because I seek to find new, fresh little cuts of joy in everything around me. [Read more…]

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Ohhhh Baby…

Here are my top five reasons why I know that A) God is always in and control and B) Has a remarkable sense of humor.

  1. He made the Platypus. A mammal, with a bill, that lays eggs. That’s hilarious.
  2. He allows us to use phrases like “army logic” and “productive Monday” and “jumbo shrimp.”
  3. He somehow distorts how long two minutes is depending on which side of the bathroom door you are on.
  4. Kansas Jayhawks. (Sorry, KU fans… Just kidding. But seriously.)
  5. He thought it would be legit to send my husband to Ranger school right about the time we found out we are going to have a baby. [Read more…]
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Factor of 7: Joy for Joyce

Some people say that money talks.

I have to say that I sort of agree.

Sometimes our money says “Hold me tighter!” Other times, it says “Me, me, me, it’s all about me.” Sometimes it sounds like the old NSync song… “Bye, bye, bye.”

But last Thursday, our little wad of money said “God is love. Give me away.” [Read more…]

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Army of God: “AMERICA!”

Today’s army word of the day should come as no surprise to those of you who know me…


Yes, I am an army wife… But I started saying this before I became a wife… I think Brandon got me started on it early during our dating relationship. And here we are, almost three years (seriously?!?) later. I also started saying it before that movie “The Other Guys” with Will Ferrell came out (he says it after he guns the gas petal… it was grand.) [Read more…]

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The Spirit Through Sprite

“This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!!” –Psalm 118:24


What an awesome Scripture to describe my heart today! I would say that today is the final day I will be talking about God’s gifts, but let’s be honest, I am not really driving this boat. He might tell me that I need to keep up with the giftiness that is His love. But for now, I would like to share with you why this day is shaping up to be an extra special gift. [Read more…]

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